![BLUEGIANT EnglishEditionのジャケット写真](https://tcj-image-production.s3.ap-northeast-1.amazonaws.com/u317091/r1309813/ite1309813.jpg?X-Amz-Algorithm=AWS4-HMAC-SHA256&X-Amz-Credential=AKIAJV4VIS2VN3X4CBGA%2F20250214%2Fap-northeast-1%2Fs3%2Faws4_request&X-Amz-Date=20250214T000355Z&X-Amz-Expires=86400&X-Amz-SignedHeaders=host&X-Amz-Signature=9825fd46feb36faed8039c8c881b29309a38dccf9129c155d7b07d59a53a5b73)
![BLUEGIANT EnglishEditionのジャケット写真](https://tcj-image-production.s3.ap-northeast-1.amazonaws.com/u317091/r1309813/ite1309813.jpg?X-Amz-Algorithm=AWS4-HMAC-SHA256&X-Amz-Credential=AKIAJV4VIS2VN3X4CBGA%2F20250214%2Fap-northeast-1%2Fs3%2Faws4_request&X-Amz-Date=20250214T000355Z&X-Amz-Expires=86400&X-Amz-SignedHeaders=host&X-Amz-Signature=9825fd46feb36faed8039c8c881b29309a38dccf9129c155d7b07d59a53a5b73)
BLUEGIANT EnglishEdition
達郎, Harugoro Shichimi
Blown by the cold wind, all alone
Walking the streets, just on my own
Holding my sax so tight tonight
What is it that I’m trying to find?
There’s a dream entrusted to sound
A vision no one else has found
A melody echoes deep inside
It’s all I trust to be my guide
In the silent break of dawn
I hold my sax and play along
Even when the future’s unclear
I won’t give in, I’ll face my fear
We walked on different roads before
Our dreams may not align for sure
Yet your sound lifts me high
And my song will guide someone by
If I listen in the silent night
Melodies we once played so bright
Resonate deep within my heart
Their echoes never drift apart
When souls connect, the music’s born
It’s more than notes, it’s something more
If it’s a sound where spirits blend
Then surely it will never end
A dream too big to reach alone
But walking with you, we’ve grown
All the days we shared, side by side
Turned into strength, deep inside
Let the jazz ring within my heart
Give me the strength to play my part
In the endless rhythm’s flow
Every note we played will show
The harmony of our days
Becomes the path that lights our way
Countless moments, too many to name
All transformed into stories untamed
The road we walked, the songs we played
A stage that time cannot erase
Past and future turn to sound
Timeless echoes all around
Music speaks where words may fail
Even as the years set sail
There is a stage
There is jazz
There is a sound filled with hope
Let the path unfold
- 作詞
Harugoro Shichimi
- 作曲
Harugoro Shichimi
- プロデューサー
Harugoro Shichimi
- ボーカル
- ソングライター
Harugoro Shichimi
![BLUEGIANT EnglishEditionのジャケット写真](https://tcj-image-production.s3.ap-northeast-1.amazonaws.com/u317091/r1309813/ite1309813.jpg?X-Amz-Algorithm=AWS4-HMAC-SHA256&X-Amz-Credential=AKIAJV4VIS2VN3X4CBGA%2F20250214%2Fap-northeast-1%2Fs3%2Faws4_request&X-Amz-Date=20250214T000355Z&X-Amz-Expires=86400&X-Amz-SignedHeaders=host&X-Amz-Signature=9825fd46feb36faed8039c8c881b29309a38dccf9129c155d7b07d59a53a5b73)
達郎, Harugoro Shichimi の“BLUEGIANT EnglishEdition”を
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BLUEGIANT EnglishEdition
達郎, Harugoro Shichimi
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BLUEGIANT EnglishEdition
達郎, Harugoro Shichimi
丸竹書房イメージシンガーの達郎です。23歳独身。165センチ。49キロ。岡山県倉敷出身。好物あんパン。趣味城めぐり。 七味春五郎作詞のAudioBook主題歌を歌唱しております。これまで歌ってきた著者は、山本周五郎、吉川英治、野村胡堂、佐々木味津三、などの先生方の作品の主題歌になります。漫画の主題歌の他に、オリジナルソングもあります。 達郎チャンネル https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZoRlOqwFTAh-K4llWu3n7g
Harugoro Shichimi
七味春五郎。兵庫県宍粟市出身。小説を書き、朗読をし、作詞をする人。丸竹書房主催。 AudioBookは音本チャンネル、および、audiobook.jpにて、配信中です。 ■音本ちゃんねる https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCeTnkaLU8_MAMSdMFVrf1dw audiobookのBGM、主題歌なども制作中
Harugoro Shichimiの他のリリース