Diary#9 “Waseda El Dorado (The Hole) ”, March 31st 2024, in Drop B, Pt.8のジャケット写真


Diary#9 “Waseda El Dorado (The Hole) ”, March 31st 2024, in Drop B, Pt.8


I found it, Captain

In this hole I (She) dug for:

Evil dressed in ethics

Black jokes and white wine

Words as tattoos

Prayer as essence

A refuted ecologist

A commoditizing crowd without an output

Observing a gay in front of a wounded gray heron

A priest justifying war on message boards

Love withered from nutrition (=flower)

A cat looking for a place to die

Refuses a crying feminist wearing plastic glasses

A free blind and an unfree sighted individualism that refuses apologies

Raising furious anger and vengeance against sexism

Ignorance supporting the majority

Where the underground makes sacrifice

Organicity and relevance

Hitting the head of an industry with a hammer

Scattering around the house

Living with doubts

Condoms saved the girl and killed love

You are my enemy

So I found it here, Captain

It was God

  • 作詞


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  • レコーディングエンジニア

    Kenshiro Mori

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  • ベースギター


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Diary#9 “Waseda El Dorado (The Hole) ”, March 31st 2024, in Drop B, Pt.8のジャケット写真

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