We Crazyのジャケット写真

Something changed in winter and a quiet spring came

I felt uneasy about something different

Fighting with something else in the summer, Endured autumn

I was scared how long this state would last

Let's remember the lonely night, oh those days when we laughed

Believe it will come back again

The hard work so far is not in vain

If you try to live with hope

It wasn't just sad (Wow)

The painful experience is not in vain, it strengthens you

If you try to live with hope

It wasn't just sad (Wow)

All right, you can always see the light

Don't forget to have a happy today

It started to rain on me

It's nothing but fear

I was sick of the days when I couldn't see the future

Days of suffering without being able to do anything

Even if you continue to endure

I couldn't see the end

Let's remember the lonely night, oh those days when we laughed

Believe it will come back again

The hard work so far is not in vain

We are by your side

So wipe your tears

You are not alone

Believe in yourself

If you try to live with hope

It wasn't just sad (Wow)

The painful experience is not in vain, it strengthens you

If you try to live with hope

It wasn't just sad (Wow)

All right, you can always see the light

Don't forget to have a

All right, you can always see the light

Don't forget to have a happy today

  • 作詞


  • 作曲


We Crazyのジャケット写真



ストリーミング / ダウンロード

1st EP [We Crazy]



    東京を拠点に活動する3人組POWER POPガールズバンド 「GREED FIVE EGG’S」 3人の女子達によるラウドロックやミクスチャー、エモ、POP等、色んな音楽要素が混ぜ合わさった音楽性である。 Ba/Vo. FATIMAのキュートな歌声と研ぎ澄まされた重圧シャウト、 Gt/Cho.yumikaのハイキック、背面ギター、寝ギターなど縦横無尽であり可憐なパフォーマンス、Dr/Shout.Miyuの笑顔と狂気と自由奔放すぎるパフォーマンスで熱いライブが炸裂する。 メンバー Ba/Vo.FATIMA Gt/Cho.yumika Dr/Shout.Miyu


    GREED FIVE EGG'Sの他のリリース