Magical BAD trip Front Cover


No understanding myself

Do I have meaning of my life?

Only I want to be your hero in this non-fiction story. But I was killed by your lie

Who am I ?

But it won't reach myself and real me

Even if there is an understander

I wonder if they will be fooled by the witch's lie

(生きる意味すら分からなくなって ここから動けなくなってしまった)


Don’t get involved

I won’t return there

In myself In yourself


Bipolar disorder

Don’t bother me

I can’t go back here

In myself In yourself


Bipolar disorder

I’m Top

However you can’t sting yourself

= You are a sissy

I'll eliminate your evil spirit

Only idiots are fooled by that lie

Who are you?

I will be at the top , pushing you away from here

With my masterpiece and the truth

Praise me Praise me Praise me Praise me

(今ならなんでもできる気がする 世界が自分中心に回っている気分だ)


Don’t get involved now

You can’t return here

In myself In yourself


Bipolar disorder

Don’t bother me

You can’t go back here

In myself In yourself


Bipolar disorder

  • Lyricist

    Magical BAD trip

  • Composer

    Magical BAD trip

Magical BAD trip Front Cover

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    Magical BAD trip

4人組V系バンド「Magical BAD trip」初シングル

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Vibra Verse Records
