The tiny little can she handed me
The girl said 「Try to open it!」, but I'm still scratching it
The seal is about to peel off
Wake the can of worms from its slumber
The tracks are clear as day but these lambs are running, running, ruining, stomping, the voices unheard
The tiniest voices in this forsaken world
Imagine hollowing a man's life
For your puny, pathetic, superficial prestige
(Let there be light)
We're delighted if you admit the sin
Case closed, scapegoat
The justice has been done
Big dog, tiny ass pride, no dignity
These pig motherfuckers chose their badges over the victims
Organized ego collapsing the court
Covering your ass and let the predator walk
Caught in the middle and the justice is a riddle
They never lend an ear, just made up their story, blah, blah
Caught in the middle and the justice is a riddle
They never lend an ear, designed one cold case
They need us ignorant
They're like, fuck your story, we'll deprive you and tear you apart
The departure to recapture the real predator
(Real predator)
The traces are buried, this victory is cursed
Who's gonna seek these vanishing voices?
Who's gonna seek these vanishing voices?
The tiniest voices in this forsaken world
Wake the can of worms from its slumber
The tracks are clear as day but these lambs are
Rolling the dice
No one's gonna pay the price
"The swallowed 5"
Abandoned in dust
An outlet for lust
The false victory kept the stain alive
Dragged and defiled the innocent 5
An outlet for lust
Stripped bodies lying, one voice, two, three four, five
All drowned out
Bow down to the truth
No, ignore that to undo the curse
Thanks to these adults hidin' like cucks
The bastard is protected
They were killed twice
Our future, the hug, the usual, the serenity, the burden, the smile, the demise
Turned into a chunk of flesh
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Listen to Cold Case...Predetor On Sight by Shadecarrier
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Cold Case...Predetor On Sight
E - 2
- 3
- 4
FZ Theory
- 5
The Pissing Contest
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