The time has gone
Just felt lonely in the darkness
Some people said
‘You can’t ever take steps forward’
And they might call me
Crazy and even foolish
Won’t surrender, but I’m on the way right now
“Tell me どうやって進んでいけばいいの?
I don’t want to waste the chance“
Don’t think
It‘s better take action as the way you consider to be right for now
Cause’ a million times, cause’ a million days, wherever you’re still in my side
Such a billion times it’s a billion nights
Cause’ a million times, cause’ a million days, wherever you’re still in my side
And i trust myself and I don’t give up .I don’t give up
何度も倒れそうになって 今にも壊れそうだった
何度も涙こらえて いつでも前を見ていたね
Taught me the importance of hanging there for
That makes who I am today
I trust
That I can get over no matter what comes
You can make it as I did
Cause’ a million times, cause’ a million days, wherever you’re still in my side
Such a billion times it’s a billion nights
Cause’ a million times, cause’ a million days, wherever you’re still in my side
And i trust myself and I don’t give up
Say good bye to the past
Just believe in the future in my hands
Time to go
Building up the bright future with me
“Tell me どうやって進んでいけばいいの?
I don’t want to waste the chance“
Don’t think
It‘s better take action as the way you consider to be right for now
Cause’ a million times, cause’ a million days, wherever you’re still in my side
Such a billion times it’s a billion nights
Cause’ a million times, cause’ a million days, wherever you’re still in my side
And i trust myself and I don’t give up .I don’t give up
- Lyricist
Shark VS Rabbit
- Composer
Shark VS Rabbit
Listen to Not stand alone (FILM_SONG.) by Shark VS Rabbit
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Not stand alone (FILM_SONG.)
Shark VS Rabbit
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Shark VS Rabbit
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