Still remember our lives crossing
We were seventeen
Young and brave, fighting for the life
We were not afraid of anything
Nothing could stop us
Even though getting lost so many times
Trynna find a way
Without knowing the answer
But always moving on
Remember our dreams crossing
We were twenty three
Strong and fearless, aiming for the goal
We were not assured of anything
Still nothing could stop us
Even though getting down on the ground
Every moment
You’ve always been like a map to lead me
I could find the light at the end of the tunnel
(Cause you lead me every time I need)
And thanks to you, we got where we are
For sure, you made the person that I am
You gave me faith
And I learned a lot from you
We came a long way
But our journey is not done
You know I owe you a lot
It’s a hard way
But our journey is not done
We still have a place to go
That is the reason
Destiny is crossing again
Still remember our visions crossing
We were thirty six
Sure and clear, running to the light
We were not stuck with anything
Nothing could stop us
Even though running against all the odds
Every moment
You’ve always been like a crystal to me
I could find the light at the end of the tunnel
(Cause you lead me every time I need)
And thanks to you, we got where we are
For sure, no matter what we got
I will follow you to the moon
I know our fight is never ending
We might get lost, yeah
We might face new walls
Gotta overcome it together
I’ll be with you
There’s no doubt, you’ll always be a piece of my life
There’s no doubt, you’ll always be inside of my heart
I want you to know that I’m so grateful
For everything that you did for me
I won’t forget
I could find the light at the end of the tunnel
(Cause you lead me every time I need)
And thanks to you, we got where we are
For sure, you made the person that I am
You gave me faith
And I learned a lot from you
We came a long way
But our journey is not done
You know I owe you a lot
It’s a hard way
But our journey is not done
We still have a place to go
That is the reason
Destiny is crossing again
- Lyricist
- Composer

Listen to M∞N by YUSUKE ANDO
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This work is a symphonic progressive rock, unlike the aggressive heavy progressive instrument of the previous work.
With the support of vocalist AO, it is expanding even further, unlike the instruments up to the previous work.
The theme of this work, which was produced with the original support members in the live activity, is "fusion" and "crystal".
Pursuing one sound with friends who connect with each other, he develops his own symphonic progressive rock that incorporates 70's classic rock.
Artist Profile
YUSUKE ANDO (ユウスケ アンドウ) 1977 年9 月30 日生まれ 大阪府吹田市出身幼少の頃、兄の影響で音楽に興味を持ちドラムと出会う。高校時代よりバンドを始め卒業後、本格的に音楽の道に進むべくロックバンドを中心としたバンド活動を行い、数々のバンドを経験し上京。バンド「CHILD」でメジャーデビュー。活動中もタレント「ソニン」のサポートとしてミュージックステーション、ポップジャム、PV などに出演。その後、ソロアーティストTAKUI、kozi(ex マリスミゼル)、川村かおりなどのサポートドラマーとして数々のコンサートツアー、レコーディングでキャリアを積む。High Speed Boyz でビクターエンタテインメントからメジャーデビュー。時代の最先端を走る、エレクトロなロックを追求した音楽を展開。2013年自身初となる「ソロ作品『MADNESS』を発表。2022年1stアルバム『RINNETENSEI-輪廻転生-』を発表。
D.SKH Entertainment