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cro-magnon is baaaaackkkkk!!!!!!
鮮やかなシンセから幕開け、リムを絡めてスウィングするドラム、バウンス•グルーヴを太く波打たせるベース、リズミカルなリフ、ムーディーなコード、動きのある旋律を紡ぐオルガン、ローズ、シンセ等のキーボード•プレイが一つになり、ダンサンブルなサウンド/グルーヴを放つ「Floating Point 」から幕開け、ブラジル的リズムや旋律を織り交ぜながらAzymuthにも迫る鮮やかでしなやかなジャズファンク•サウンドを聞かせる「Seductive World」、ミドルテンポのダンサンブルでパーカッシヴなリズム/グルーヴにIzponによるヴォーカルをFeatしクンビアへとアプローチする「bonita 」、フェンダーローズ、エレピが暖かく響き包み込む優しさに溢れるメロー•ジャズ「 //Walts for Who?// 」、陽光を浴びる様なコレ迄になりデイライト•ジャズファンクを紡ぐ「return to the journey」、アフロ•ファンク的なリズム/サウンドにピアノ、オルガンがリードを取る事でジャズとアフリカの独特のバランスが進行し、終盤にはレイドバック•メローなジャズファンクのムードまで展開する「Fight against Fight 」、美しいピアノを響かせながら幕開け、アシッド•ハウス•グルーヴ、ジャズ、コズミック•ムードをライブ感溢れるパーカッションと共にオーガニックなダンス•アンサンブルで融合させていく「Patchwork Jazz」、広がり染み渡るローズの調べから幕開け、Moodymannにも通じる色気溢れるジャズファンク•インストゥルメンタル•ダンス•グルーヴを紡ぎ上げる「wishuwerehere 」、カリビアン•フィーリング溢れる鮮やかなレイドバック•アイランド•グルーヴ「回遊人」、そしてクワイエット•ストーミー•メローな「path - a very thought of you -」で幕を閉じる。
In 1996, Shigekazu Otake (Dr. & Per.), Tsuyoshi Kosuga (Gt. & Bass), Takumi Kaneko (Key.) met in Boston, the United States, and started jam sessions together. In 1999, after their return to Japan, they formed a band called "Loop Junktion." They had released a mini-album and two full-albums in 2004 but unfortunately suspended their music activities. In the same year, they returned to the starting line with evolved inspiration, formed a band called "cro-magnon," and re-started music activities. Whatever the size of their play stages, they always make the audience dance and became so popular in Korea and other countries in Southeast Asia. In 2009, they succeeded in European Tour twice and released their 4th album "4U" in August. In December, 2010, they released their first collaboration album, "joints," with vocalists (collaboration artists: Asako Toki, Yu Sakai, Tabito Nanao, Roy Ayers, TWIGY, GAGLE, Chinza Dopeness, S.L.A.C.K. & PUNPEE, MC KAN, Yohei Miyake, Mika Arisaka, Steve Spacek) In April, 2012, they released the first best album, "THE BEST." In July, the same year, collaborated with popular Japanese cartoon "Hyouge Mono," released an album "Otsu". By featuring a Japanese singer, "Ikuzo Yoshi," they broke a new ground with their new expression. In 2013, they succeeded in their 3rd European Tour. The road movie, uploaded by "THE NORTH FACE" in YOUTUBE, gained big attentions. In July, 2014, they released their 5th original album, "V," They toured successfully more than 40 locations within Japan. In 2016, they released an album called "cro-magnon-jin," which is the joint project with DJ JIN from RHYMESTER. In 2019, they released 6th new album "cro-magnon city". Remarkable featuring artists are DENGARYU and BLAHRMY (SHEEF THE 3RD & MILES WORD) from Japanese Hip Hop Scene. The new masterpiece brings the spread of their music world and deep taste of mature ensemble/arrangement. Their future success with new creativity is greatly anticipated.
Jazzy Sport