

Longing For Blood

Desolate Sphere

Under the moonlight with snowfall

My dreams made real through blood

This end is coming by your falx

I cannot be a home for your soul

It is gone eternally and is my fault

Our life was not a dream

The last thing I saw is the gleam

From your bloody scythe

I do not care if I'm killed by your hand

I only regret not bringing you that song

Hunting beast makes you forget humanity

When will you be saved from this eternal night

Cannot escape this longing

Longing for blood, so you took the last breath from your beloved

Cannot escape this longing

Longing for blood, and you are willing to drown

You will never stop hunting beasts in town

Cannot resist your thirst, it is growing inside

It’s a holy curse, embedded deeply in your mind

I can’t save you cuz we are not allies

I do not care if I'm killed by your hand

I only regret not bringing you that song

Hunting beast makes you forget humanity

When will you be saved from this eternal night

Cannot escape this longing

Longing for blood, so you took the last breath from your beloved

Cannot escape this longing

Longing for blood, and you still remember that song you loved

That melody takes you back to better days

But you shake it off and fall into the void because of the beast inside of you

We only leave this hope to that foreign man

The man grabs the song and stands against you

Cannot escape this longing

Longing for blood, so you took the last breath from your beloved

Cannot escape this longing

Longing for blood, and you are falling into the grave that you dogged

The moonlight turns into red, their true colour is revealed

There is no my beloved but the beast, feasts on the fresh of his old friends

The man is coming, coming for you but you will do nothing

Cuz you can do nothing to stop that man

The time has come, it’s your turn to be hunted

See you again in our hell

  • 作詞

    Kent Sasaki

  • 作曲

    Takanori Murakami


Desolate Sphere の“Longing For Blood”を


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現在最も注目される若手国産メロディック・デスメタルバンドDesolate Sphere待望の3rd EP!次々と切り刻まれる攻撃的ギターリフと高速ブラストビートが世界を震撼させる!

結成から3年、平均年齢25歳と若手ながらも、圧倒的過ぎる楽曲センスを発揮し、Scar Symmetry来日公演のオープニング・アクトとして起用される等、国内エクストリーム・メタルシーンで最も注目を浴びているメロディック・デス・メタル・バンドDesolate Sphere (デソレイト・スフィア)。

前作EP「Hallucinosis」と同様にアートワークにYu-ki Iwata、ミキシング/マスタリングにRio Numataを起用し、約2年振りに世界へ向けて放たれる本作は、フルメンバー体制となることで更なる進化を遂げており、今作もThe Black Dahlia Murderを彷彿とさせる叙情性と暴虐性を交えた超ハイクオリティなサウンドに仕上がっている。



Longing For Blood

Spotify • New Metal Playlist • 2023年10月14日


Necrogenesis Records
