

Trapped In The Unending Corridor

Desolate Sphere

Is this the maze that I created?

It shows the inside of my caged mind

I see the unending corridor through my mind with countless eyes planted in the brain

Yes, the hunter, I am the host of this nightmare

Your eyes must be wide open to catch my last breath

Do you hear our prayers?

To save us from full-blown insanity

Do you grant us eyes?

To see through the truth of the world

Do you hear our prayers?

To save me from running in circle

Do you grant us eyes?

To reveal our true selves

I just wanted to enlighten the world

To overcome my beasthood

We keep choosing heretical ways

To become the one beyond our humanity

We have even deceived our family and abandoned our vows

So no one can catch us and stop us now

Do you hear our prayers?

To save us from longing for blood

Do you grant us eyes?

To enlighten our world

Do you hear our prayers?

To save me from running in circle

Do you grant us eyes?

To reveal our true selves

Why don’t you grant us eyes to overcome the beast inside?

Do you hear our prayers?

Why don’t you grant us eyes to overcome the beast inside?

We call upon the greater one to grant us eyes

To overcome our ignorance

This nightmare I created swirls and churns unending until you come

Plant eyes on our brains to cleanse the beast inside

Do you hear our prayers?

To the great ones in the cosmos

Do you grant us eyes?

To become the One itself

Until they respond to our calling

We shall not abandon the dream

But if you catch our last breath

Our dream will collapse

Now I am waking up

I’ll forget everything

  • 作詞

    Kent Sasaki

  • 作曲

    Takanori Murakami


Desolate Sphere の“Trapped In The Unending Corridor”を


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現在最も注目される若手国産メロディック・デスメタルバンドDesolate Sphere待望の3rd EP!次々と切り刻まれる攻撃的ギターリフと高速ブラストビートが世界を震撼させる!

結成から3年、平均年齢25歳と若手ながらも、圧倒的過ぎる楽曲センスを発揮し、Scar Symmetry来日公演のオープニング・アクトとして起用される等、国内エクストリーム・メタルシーンで最も注目を浴びているメロディック・デス・メタル・バンドDesolate Sphere (デソレイト・スフィア)。

前作EP「Hallucinosis」と同様にアートワークにYu-ki Iwata、ミキシング/マスタリングにRio Numataを起用し、約2年振りに世界へ向けて放たれる本作は、フルメンバー体制となることで更なる進化を遂げており、今作もThe Black Dahlia Murderを彷彿とさせる叙情性と暴虐性を交えた超ハイクオリティなサウンドに仕上がっている。



Necrogenesis Records
