

When I Face The Crimson Truth

Desolate Sphere

I ask you, the mirror on the wall

What do you see before your eyes?

I can’t discern my own reflection

My memories are slowly fading from my soul

The heat of crimson streams down my hands

Ripping flesh with my claws

Drinking the addictive holy blood

I face the truth you’ve turned away from in this dream

From within

From inside

We are all the same, alive by blood

Our hands will never forget how slimy and warm they are

By the dawn, you’ve cleansed but not your soul

I just want to know if there are any safe havens to escape from starving for flesh and blood

We are just victims of this town

Your eyes have seen the truth we’ve seen, but you’re in denial since you’ve dreamed

The red moon rises only to condemn us to hell

We are all the same, alive by blood

Our hands will never forget how slimy and warm they are

In the name of your god, your soul has fallen deeper than the abyss

Your eyes have seen the truth we’ve seen, but you’re in denial since you’ve dreamed

Beastly than the beasts, you possess more lives than us

Why don’t you see beneath your boots, the bloody truth sees your face

You are the real beast! Killing us while believing their lies

I felt the red, the last breath, we are all the beasts

  • 作詞

    Kent Sasaki

  • 作曲

    Takanori Murakami


Desolate Sphere の“When I Face The Crimson Truth”を


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現在最も注目される若手国産メロディック・デスメタルバンドDesolate Sphere待望の3rd EP!次々と切り刻まれる攻撃的ギターリフと高速ブラストビートが世界を震撼させる!

結成から3年、平均年齢25歳と若手ながらも、圧倒的過ぎる楽曲センスを発揮し、Scar Symmetry来日公演のオープニング・アクトとして起用される等、国内エクストリーム・メタルシーンで最も注目を浴びているメロディック・デス・メタル・バンドDesolate Sphere (デソレイト・スフィア)。

前作EP「Hallucinosis」と同様にアートワークにYu-ki Iwata、ミキシング/マスタリングにRio Numataを起用し、約2年振りに世界へ向けて放たれる本作は、フルメンバー体制となることで更なる進化を遂げており、今作もThe Black Dahlia Murderを彷彿とさせる叙情性と暴虐性を交えた超ハイクオリティなサウンドに仕上がっている。



Necrogenesis Records
