A gentle breeze softly brushes my face
The blue sea whispers, leaving its trace
A silver mackerel shines in the light
Dancing with waves, in rhythm, just right
Saba Bossa Nova, a quiet tune
Dancing with the wind and waves, under the moon
Saba Bossa Nova, filled with love
Endlessly flowing, this melody from above
A distant guitar hums a soft song
The sea breeze melody, calling along
No need for words, the movement speaks
The mackerel’s dream sails across the peaks
Saba Bossa Nova, a quiet tune
Dancing with the wind and waves, under the moon
Saba Bossa Nova, filled with love
Endlessly flowing, this melody from above
Even as stars light up the night, the waves keep singing
The rhythm of the mackerel, my heart is clinging
Guiding us softly on a never-ending journey
Trusting the flow of this quiet harmony
Saba Bossa Nova, an endless dream
Embraced by wind and sea, it continues to gleam
Saba Bossa Nova, a melody of love
Gently swaying, in the sea’s soft caress above
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ドローン赤堀 の“Saba Bossa Nova”を
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Saba Bossa Nova
「Saba Bossa Nova」は、穏やかな海の風と優雅な波のリズムに乗せて繰り広げられる、サバが主役のユニークなボサノヴァ作品です。柔らかなギターのアルペジオ、心地よいスキャット「Saba Saba Saba…」が曲全体に彩りを加え、風と海に包まれるようなリラックスした雰囲気を醸し出します。
日本文化で世界を切り拓くプロフェッショナルなんでも屋。Spotify、Apple Music、iTunes Store、LINE MUSIC、Amazon Music などの音楽配信サービスにて毎月1〜2曲リリースしてます。