Past memoriesのジャケット写真


Past memories (feat. RAF)

Invert Hourglass

Broken bones

Smell of the burnt blood

I will not filter

Remain no more


Seize with my teeth

It’s now profanity permitted


So much blood was flowed

Open your neck

I remained losing you

Your breath is Wherever wander?

I’m waiting for the hear your voices

Now. brick it by own spite

Don’t you feel any pain

Cut off the memories

However, It

Everyone points me

Your dreams interfering

I’m brave bruised Ideal state

Draw me

Strain and heartache

Don’t want think back

(Lose all one's strength)

(My flesh is higher)

It ain’t my fault and bias

And blame on me

Can I to ascend to heaven’s ?

My mouths overflow by lie

I hide to shadow

Until learning now writhe in agony

Can’t even blink

Love is jaded

Cut my tongue as punishment

Will die in wastefully

Don’t you feel any pain

Cut off the memories

However, I

Everyone points me

Your dreams interfering

I’m brave and bruised Ideal state

Word of affection

Floating in the air(In the air)

Fruitless effort and sink

Until my eyes lose brightness

Stopping walking and Count a crime

Become the blacken blood

Blow out the neck

It ain’t my fault and bias

And blame on me

Can I to ascend to heaven’s ?

My mouths overflow by lie

I hide to shadow

Until learning now writhe in agony

Can’t even blink

Already drowning the honor

Eating the scapegoat

Crime of the Berserker

There is no time for mourn

(There is no more)

(One’s Liar)

(Being surrounded)

(By enemies all side)

Give me a reason to keep suppressing this hatred

Release the agony to kill this cacophony

Unleash the hounds of vengeance

To settle the old calamity

I'm gonna hunt you down

Your loved ones are also my prey

Stay safe, till I got you torturing

One by one your limbs leave your torso

I know that I'm a part of this never-ending circle of spite

Lost, denial, endless spiral

Die to end this ordeal

Don't play the spokesman of the dead ones

You'll never know the wishes of the fallen

This is a death warrant

Run, I'll crawl through broken glass

To take back my life

Cut ties with the past and the cancer. It's time to even the score

Lost, denial, endless spiral

Die to end this ordeal

I'll keep walking toward "Zero"

Beyond your corpse

(Beyond my loss.)

Be a sacrifice, part of my past

I can turn against the world

(To break this curse.)

I am avenging myself to move on

No place for forgiveness

  • 作詞

    Yuki Irisawa

  • 作曲


Past memoriesのジャケット写真

Invert Hourglass の“Past memories (feat. RAF)”を


ストリーミング / ダウンロード

2024年の3作目となるシングル「Past memories」 Pluckサウンドを応用したベースサウンドが目立つイントロから、直近の過去作からリリースカットピアノや細かいパーカッションを用いながら繰り広げられる激しい展開が特徴である。 また、本作ラストパートではRAF(from Shadecarrier)が楽曲に参加。 一気にスピードアップしたテンポの中で繰り広げられる高速のボーカルラインは今作の中で特に注目するべきポイントである。


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