Past memoriesのジャケット写真



Invert Hourglass

I can’t see anything now

Just slipping

I must not maybe live

If I see sadness and cruelty of reality

(Don’t see)

I have gone to the mad

I am a already to the limited my hatred

But I hoped shut out the senses

When I feel so sadness

When I feel so pleasures

When I play me my heart is empty like dark

Now falling Now falling

Now falling apart

I’m nothing I’m nothing to

Nothing left

My body’s gradually so melted away

I can’t already shed of the tears anymore

What is wonderful world

I am a doubted

Are you an ally of which?

I am tired from to the solitude and nauseas

(Will just break?) or (Want to survive?)

Open my eyes and flows to the body slowly

Stopping my shiver

Becomes blinded sign

Placing in the coffin

A day coming soon when I can laugh

All dream

I am waiting time

I’m screaming in despair Nobody's words arrive

(Drop Drop Drop out)

Pass through my head

Overflowing memories

Chasing my shadows

(There’s no way out)

Want tie one's neck?

To smile crying face

Shaking my lungs and choke

(This is my love)

No. need nothing more

Stab Deep

I want touch to you

Can’t even love oneself

Shade my eyes

But I can’t preaching love

Flowing blood is the waste

I will drink up

(Make another wrong)

Becomes blinded sign

Placing in the coffin

A day coming soon when I can laugh

All dream

I am waiting time

I’m screaming in despair Nobody's words arrive

(Drop Drop Drop out)

Pass through my head

Overflowing memories

Chasing my shadows

(There’s no way out)

Want tie one's neck?

To smile crying face

Shaking my lungs

(Blind to the painful alone)

Bow down

Tell me what you want

Breaking my affection

Don’t look away

Show me what you want

Take my Breath

Accept everything

Pull out the bone by force

So stab deeply more

Cut love inside my pieces

(Blind oneself)

(What goes around)

(Comes on around)

(All wrong)

(Want victim)

(Want blame you )

(Want touch you)

Though I love it

I lost sane









(Shut out shine)

(Shut out sense)

(Shut out feel)

(Want victim)

(Want blame you)

(Want touch you)

(Do I best)

Though I love it

  • 作詞

    Yuki Irisawa

  • 作曲


Past memoriesのジャケット写真

Invert Hourglass の“Blind”を


ストリーミング / ダウンロード

2024年の3作目となるシングル「Past memories」 Pluckサウンドを応用したベースサウンドが目立つイントロから、直近の過去作からリリースカットピアノや細かいパーカッションを用いながら繰り広げられる激しい展開が特徴である。 また、本作ラストパートではRAF(from Shadecarrier)が楽曲に参加。 一気にスピードアップしたテンポの中で繰り広げられる高速のボーカルラインは今作の中で特に注目するべきポイントである。

