
The Rainbow Shines (feat. Karigan)



You such something priceless

Around the world

You generous

Oh wah yeah

South America

North America




Oway yeah


Hakuna Matata

Pearl of Africa

My Mother land

Eyah eeh

Oh sweet mother land

Your in my heart everywhere I go

The rainbow shines

Eeya eeh Eyah eehya

Let us flashlight

On downtown people

We are forgotten

In you plans for

The economy transformation

Our contribution is not seen

As priority for the

Country progression

Taxes everyday addition

Every time we are

Fighting Coruption

Under consideration

Goods on high cost

Minimize equally

So me and you we can get

A total satisfaction

Cos Everyday every night

We struggle, you see

I lost weight

I don't even have muscles

Life is a journey you smile

And keep moving

Ups and down corners bumps

On you way

Mind you steering

So Give them chance

They can archive it

Don't blow it away

Believe in

Now you can can win it

Sometimes you must stand alone

To sucrifice to be the better

In you circle make a change

That can benefit them all

Living in the same building

We got the different views

Living in the same pass

We got a different shoes

No black or white man

Me and you

One blood one people

Under sunshine and rainfalls

The rainbow shines


Tomorrow never comes nah

You be now live you life

One love people is all we need

One care people is all we want

You treat me the same way

You treat your brothers

Gender equality and

All that matters

I can't event tell how I feel

Am stack in life

I got no place to stay

What if I come to you

Would you help me to make a step

You better serve you people

Leading but not ruling

I am not ashamed

This is who I am

Equal opportunities

For all of us

Me and you

We should love each other

Welcome the strangers

Protect each other

One love

One heart

One soul me and you

Jah love I and same shine

Around the world

One heart

One love

One soul

Me and you

We should love each other

This is really something

That me I love

No matter what you do

I don't care

This is realy something

That me I like

How many times you try

I can't change

This is really something

That's me I want

Pass the blunt let me puff

Some small

This is really something

That me I need

Peace and love and unity

Together as one

This is really something

That me I starve

Freedom progression unity

All nations

This is really something

That me I need

Justice for all

Freedom and peace

This is really something

That you should know

  • 作詞者


  • 作曲者

    Hikali, Karigan


Hikali の“The Rainbow Shines (feat. Karigan)”を


ストリーミング / ダウンロード



The Rainbow Shines

Apple Music • レゲエ トップソング • ドミニカ共和国 • 10位 • 2022年5月25日 Apple Music • レゲエ トップソング • タイ • 74位 • 2021年8月13日 Apple Music • レゲエ トップソング • カンボジア • 110位 • 2023年1月29日 Apple Music • レゲエ トップソング • スリランカ • 132位 • 2023年3月28日 Apple Music • レゲエ トップソング • ベトナム • 137位 • 2024年2月9日 Apple Music • レゲエ トップソング • エルサルバドル • 160位 • 2023年9月24日


  • Hikali

    Hikaliは、ウガンダ出身です、彼がゲイであるという理由で迫害を受けて母国を離れケニアへ逃げて現在はナイロビで難民として生きています。EP "The Rainbow Shines"は日本からの支援をうけて、また、様々な人々の協力を得て、彼のメッセージを伝えていくアーティスト活動のきっかけにしたいと作られたEPです。私たちには困難が沢山ありますが、愛がいかに私たちの世界を美しくするかを示して、すべてのカラフルな個性をもつ人々に力を与えていきたいです。ぜひ応援をよろしくお願い致します。


  • Karigan

