I Want to make the music to express feeling
I Want to make the music to tell Anything
Complaint of the work that I feel
The thing that was rejected by the woman
The music solves all the misfortune of myself
Hey, Start up a PC light up
Give vent your feeling there
Don’t need the secret of your heart
Hey, Start up a PC light up
Make up your characteristic
Don’t need the secret of your heart
But music sometimes understands completely
I sometimes stop without understanding anything
I cannot sing as well
I cannot make melody
But I play by myself
I won't give up my dreams
Hey, Start up a PC light up
Make up your characteristic
Don’t need the secret of your heart
Hey, Start up a PC light up
Give vent your feeling there
Don’t need the secret of your heart
Hey, Start up a PC light up
Make up your characteristic
Don’t need the secret of your heart
- 作詞
- 作曲
ヒビロック の“Explode”を
ストリーミング / ダウンロード
1994年生まれの京都府出身シンガーソングライター。 2010年、GLAYに憧れギターを初め音楽の道を歩んでいく。 2013〜16年にかけて神戸・大阪を中心にライブハウスで活躍。 2020年にDTMと出会い、ロックバンド系を中心にオリジナル曲作りを行っている。