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前作ボカロカバーアルバム「VOCALO CLASSIC」でiTunes、AmazonクラシックチャートNO.1となり、きゃりーぱみゅぱみゅや華原朋美、小林幸子らとの共演で注目を集め続けるヴァイオリニスト石川綾子が、時代を彩る映画の名曲をカバーした初のフルアルバムをリリース!
アマデウスとパルプフィクションのテーマ(Misirlou)をマッシュアップした「AMADEUS FICTION」、ネバーエンディングストーリーとパッヘルベル“カノン”を融合した「NEVER ENDING STORY meets CANON」などクラシックの枠にとらわれない新世代作品となりました。
YOU TUBE動画で話題となり、May J.ともテレビ共演した大ヒット「Let It Go」も収録。

Past Rank In

銀河鉄道 999 (THE GALAXY EXPRESS 999)

LINE MUSIC • クラシック Top 50 • Japan • TOP 36 • 2 Sep 2021

Artist Profile

  • Ayako Ishikawa

    A violin virtuoso, Ayako has given numerous sold-out recitals and concerts in various countries, and has also enchanted audiences worldwide through numerous TV programs and radio broadcasts. Ayako began playing the violin at the age of three in Tokyo, and moved to London at the age of five. At the age of fifteen, she moved to Sydney, where she won the National Overall Instrumental Winner's Competition, and was given the honorary title of "The Best Performer in Australia". Her exceptional international achievements were recognized by the Australian government, bestowing upon her a Distinguished Talented Permanent Visa - "the visa designed for people who are internationally recognized for exceptional and outstanding achievement in the arts." She was awarded a Merit Scholarship to the University of Sydney - the Sydney Conservatorium of Music, and completed her Bachelor of Music Degree with First Class Honours. Her first album, released in Japan in 2015, has charted the top of the country on iTunes. She gives her concert tour around Japan and China each year since 2017. Her official Bilibili channel in China crossed the mark of 20 million subscribers and her official YouTube channel crossed the mark of 71 million subscribers. (As of December 2020). Currently, Ayako performs throughout the world, playing a various genres of music to spread the joy of classical violin and music. She plays the 1711 Stradivarius violin.

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