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  • Play music
  • Play music
  • Play music

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I developed severe atopic dermatitis in my twenties, and I had to repeatedly be hospitalized, making it difficult to work and live a normal social life. Fortunately, my symptoms have improved. The number of patients is increasing year by year, exceeding 500,000. To bring a smile to those who are still suffering, I created a bandage character and an original message song, and raised funds for the production costs through crowdfunding. Thanks to everyone's support, we achieved 300% of our goal and were able to sell it as a CD.

In my late forties, I resumed my music activities and created a message song based on my experiences. I started performing live again in my fifties so that people suffering from the itching and pain of atopic dermatitis, their acquaintances, and people suffering from other illnesses could hear it.

Many people are struggling with other hardships, feeling that there's no way to improve and almost giving up. I hope that these four new songs can bring "Hope for Tomorrow" to those people as well.

Lyrics are in Japanese.

Artist Profile

  • Tsuyoshi.Shimoshinjo

    高座の上では落語に関連した歌を、高座の前ではオリジナルやカバー曲をギターで弾き語るシンガーソングライター。 20代でアトピー性皮膚炎を発症し、社会生活ができなくなる。 世の中にはやりたいことがあっても、身体が不自由のために諦めざるを得ない人が多くいることに気づく。 ある時をきっかけに開き直り、おでこと手足に包帯を巻きながら、様々な交流会に参加する。 数十年のブランクを経て社会生活復帰。 現在も闘病中ではあるが、やりたいことを我慢するのは自分自身に嘘をつくことであると実感し、たった一度の人生、やりたいまま進むと決める。 世の中には社会に復帰できない、水面下に漂う人が大勢いることを想い、自分のように現在も病を持っていながらも「自分を出し切る」ことを決めるきっかけになれればと活動中。

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