Nothingness and Diamonds Front Cover


Nothingness and Diamonds


街灯が照らすアスファルト 孤独の影伸びる

耳机から流れるビート 心臓鼓動高鳴る

埃まみれのマイク握りしめ 叫ぶ俺の名前

誰も知らない この街で夢を掴む

虚無とダイヤモンド 混ざり合う光

葛藤と欲望 織り成すドラマ

嘲笑と妬み 吹き飛ばすビート

頂点目指して 這い上がっていく

誰も信じない 夢を語る

嘲笑されながらも 諦めない

虚無とダイヤモンド 混ざり合う光

葛藤と欲望 織り成すドラマ

嘲笑と妬み 吹き飛ばすビート

頂点目指して 這い上がっていく

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Nothingness and Diamonds Front Cover

Listen to Nothingness and Diamonds by YUI

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    Nothingness and Diamonds


Introducing the poignant cry from the heart of an emerging artist, "Nothingness and Diamonds," a track that weaves through the cacophony and silence of the city streets. This song pierces the listener's soul with lyrics reminiscent of a soliloquy in the dead of night, set against the backdrop of lone shadows cast upon the asphalt and the glow of street lamps. As the beat flowing from the headphones accelerates the heartbeat, a hand, covered in dust, grasps the microphone tightly, shouting out a name unknown to the world. In an obscure corner of this city unknown to all, the song embodies a passion to seize dreams relentlessly.

Creating a tapestry of drama with conflict and desire, disdain and envy blown away by the beat, climbing towards the pinnacle. This track is not just music; it is a message engraved with a way of life, speaking persistently of dreams that no one else believes in, without ever giving up.

In this city, won't you also seize your dreams? Feel the beat of your heart with "Nothingness and Diamonds."
