※ 試聴は反映までに時間がかかる場合があります。
※ 著作権管理事業者等が管理する楽曲は試聴できません。
Resurrection or rebirth after a setback. A song about a person who has finally let go of the existence that has been tormenting him and has found freedom and strength! It's like that! I learned that loss is another goal.
Under the first declaration of the state of emergency, I holed myself up in the studio with GENDER-K to write this song, because I felt that I had to do something to change and break through the current situation when I couldn't see the future at all.
The song was a good scientific reaction between the energy of the two of us at that time and asir's lyric, and the theme of the lyrics of this song, "I finally let go of the existence that was tormenting me and gained freedom and strength," was linked to the feelings of the two of us at that time.
We decided to name the song "Unleash", which means to unleash or liberate, and we also used that as the name and theme of this EP.
1981年京都生まれ。DJ/Producer Drum&BassやBass Musicを軸としたレイヴィーかつ攻撃的なDJプレイは、国内はもとより海外のクラウドからも評判上々。名門 Drum&Bass Sessionsを始め、メタモルフォーゼのD'n'B Booth、オーストラリア・シドニーのD'n'B Party DNBBQ 、タイ・バンコクのPhatPhunk等々、国内外大小様々なPartyをロックし続けてきた。 2014年に活動の場を沖縄に移してからは、県内唯一のD'n'B Party RAWFUSIONのメインDJとして沖縄のクラブシーンで活躍。近年は楽曲制作にも力を注いでおり、これまでにカナダのMonkey Dub RecordingsやBassFace Audio、U.SのMultikill Recordings等から楽曲をリリース。2022年にはDJ BAKU主宰のKAIKOO MUSICより1st EP 「Unleash」のリリースを果たし、自らのトラックを織り交ぜたプレイにも注目が集まる。少しでもカラダを揺らせたら最後、ベースの洪水に溺れてアタマ真っ白、気づけば別世界。