I was born in the darkness
I grew up with the darkness
All alone with so much Darkness
I can tell in the darkness
You will see with the darkness
I canʼt live without
Your darkness
Why donʼt you listen
To your heart?
Why canʼt we touch
Without a doubt?
Why should I stay
On the same old road
Even though you arenʼt
There anymore?
Many many things
Many many things
Many many things
Shape your darkness to the end
Many many things
Many many things
Many many things
Make you stronger than before
Way more than before
Much more than before
I was born in the darkness
I grew up with the darkness
All alone with so much darkness
I can tell in the darkness
You will see with the darkness
I canʼt live without
Your darkness
Let go of your tears and
Fill the rainbow
Tell me what you whisper
To the sky
Let us touch each other
With our sorrow
We can color this world
With black
Let go of your smile and
Touch your feelings
Tell me what youʼre bearing
With the pain
Let us touch each other
With our hatred
You can fly and stay
The way you are
Many many things
Many many things
Many many things
Shape your darkness to the end
Many many things
Many many things
Many many things
Make you stronger than before
Way more than before
Much more than before
- 作詞
- 作曲
柳ひろみ の“DARKNESS”を
ストリーミング / ダウンロード
- ⚫︎
新進気鋭のスタジオ〝KENEI DESIGN〟が手掛ける日本のおとぎ話「桃太郎」をモチーフとした3Dアクションゲーム『ONI - 空と風の哀歌』の挿入曲「DARKNESS」をリリース!手掛けたのはCM音楽などを多数手がけながらも映像作家でもある〝柳ひろみ〟全詞英語で描き下ろされ、ゲームあるいは「桃太郎」の世界観を踏襲しつつも、不思議な没入感を感じさせる彼女の透き通るような美しい歌声が印象的な1曲。ゲーム『ONI - 空と風の哀歌』はクラウディッドレパードエンタテインメントの「集英社ゲームクリエイターズCAMP」支援タイトルであり、日本を含むアジア地域、北米および欧州に向けて2023年ローンチ。