

How are you doing


It’s been a few years since we’ve been apart

Your smile lighted on my broken heart

We’ve looked for something dumb to do

I still remember about all of you

Oh oh I don’t know how we said good bye

How are you doing

What are you doing

How are you doing

I hope you are still the same like we used to be

How are you doing I’ll be there as soon as I can

We took our bicycle to see the Million stars

Saw the cherry blossom by the pellucid river

For sure we were best friends whatever people say

You told me that you never give up on your way

Oh oh I don’t know how we said good bye

How are you doing

What are you doing

How are you doing

I hope you are still the same like we used to be

How are you doing

Sometimes we had fights with small reasons

I still have scar what you did

But It’s my treasure to remind me of you

I’m on my way to my hometown

How are you doing

What are you doing

How are you doing

I hope you are still the same like we used to be

How are you doing I’ll be there as soon as I can

Music&Words by TAKERU

  • 作詞


  • 作曲



TAKERU の“How are you doing”を


ストリーミング / ダウンロード


How are you doing

Apple Music • J-Pop トップソング • ガーナ • 46位 • 2023年10月5日



    高校在学中に曲作りを開始。卒業後にアメリカ、オーストラリアに移住し2019年の4月に帰国し同年7月から本格的に音楽活動を開始。夢はグラミー賞歌手になること R&B,Soul,Pops,フォークなど様々なジャンルを横断していく楽曲の幅広さを武器とし唯一無二の歌声は「魂に響く歌」と評価されている。 2023年よりグランフロント大阪&FM802 Presents「MUSIC BUSKER」 のメンバーとして活動している 夢は国籍の違うメンバー(The Buddies)たちと世界を音楽で旅すること。 作曲家和田貴史のソロプロジェクト「John Harmony's Garden」のVo.としても活動している

