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Artist Profile


    ダンスホール・レゲエ・シーンにおいて、20年以上にも渡ってトップ・ランナーとして活躍を続けるレゲエ・サウンド。ジャマイカ、日本、インディーズ・マーケット、メジャー・フィールドを縦横無尽に駆け抜ける独自のスタイルで、地元大阪を中心に全国区で活躍する。 セレクター・MCを一人で務めるJUNIOR(ジュニア)の、一度体感すると忘れることの出来ない強烈なマイク・パフォーマンスとオリジナリティ溢れるダブ・プレート、可動式巨大サウンド・システム“K-3756s” を駆使し、年間100本近くのライブを展開する。音楽プロデューサーとしても現在まで国内外問わず300曲以上にも及ぶ作品を手掛け、数々のアーティストと共に大ヒット・ソングを世に送り出し続けているトラック・メイカーとしての評価も高い。 たった一人でオーディエンスと対峙するワンマン・イベント「緊急事態」は年々動員数が増加、‘12年には大阪城ホールでの単独公演を成功させる。’14年と’16年には当時大阪野外フェスティバルの聖地として知られた舞洲にて開催し、16,000人以上を動員。RED SPIDER単独での大規模野外イベントを成功させた。翌‘17年、自身2度目となる47都道府県ツアーを敢行、そのファイナル公演を日本武道館で開催し大成功をおさめている。 自身の代表作は『爆走エンジェル』(2007年/Victor)、『大爆走エンジェル』(2010年/Victor)、その後に続く『逆ギレ・アウチ』(2013年/Universal)、『ハナジブー』(2015年/Universal)。 MIX CDの形態で発表したこのシリーズはセールス面でも好成績をおさめ、シーンに大きなインパクトを与えた。また‘12年に行ったZeppツアーの模様を収録したDVD『RED SPIDER Zepp tour 2012 〜天気晴朗ナレド波高シ〜』(2012年/カエルスタジオ)はインディーズからのリリースながら、オリコンDVDランキングで1位を記録するなど、ライブ・パフォーマンスの評価の高さを物語る結果を残している。 毒舌キャラのイメージが先行しがちなRED SPIDERだが、音楽を生業とする者としての作品作りに対する熱い情熱と、ステージで見せる毒舌MCの裏側にあるレゲエへの異常とも言える愛情は、徐々にだが日本中に伝わりつつある。 現在はアパレル・ブランド「AH MURDERZ」のプロデューサーとしてや、YouTubeチャンネル「レッドスパイダーのZUM ZUM Channel」の活動などで知られる動画クリエイターとして、またInstagram「redspiderkicks」を中心としたスニーカー・フォトグラファーとしての活動でも注目を集めている。

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    RED SPIDERの他のリリース

    A reggae deejay from Higashinari, Osaka. Armed with fast rapping that spits out lyrics like a machine gun and a flow that gives off a unique sense of melody, he has established his own style as a deejay, but is also highly regarded both inside and outside the genre as an artist who is constantly evolving by incorporating the essence of various music. In 2007, he was shocked by the unique reggae show style ``RUB A DUB'' that he saw for the first time, and that's how he started his career. The following year, in 2008, about a year into his career, he achieved a good result by advancing to the finals of ``ROAD TO YOKOHAMA REGGAE FESTIVAL 2008,'' a tournament-style audition event for the right to participate in ``Yokohama Reggae Festival,'' known at the time as a summer monster event that attracted over 30,000 people. The following year, in 2009, he won the deejay contest ``Dynamite XX - Who Can Sing First?'' held at Osaka Azul. In the same year, he participated in the Tokyo qualifying round of the national freestyle battle tournament UMB 2009. After a close battle with Chinza Dopeness, he was unfortunately defeated, but as a new face born in the Heisei era who can be expected to perform across genres, he quickly became a figure that attracted attention in the scene. In 2010, he won the ``ROAD TO Yokohama Reggae Festival 2010'' on his third attempt, and performed at the ``Yokohama Reggae Festival'' in the same year. Since his first release in 2008 with the combination song ``Debanda'' included in H-MAN's album ``Fudaten,'' he has released songs from various labels. He has steadily expanded his fan base with a series of big tunes such as ``m'aider -s.o.s-'' and ``Mada...''. In 2015, he announced his affiliation with Kaeru Studio, and in 2016 he released his long-awaited first album ``APOLLO.'' The lead track "APOLLO STYLE" has been viewed over 5 million times on YouTube, making it one of the most representative songs of the 2010s reggae scene. Not only have the songs been well-received, but their live performances, which always bring the audience to their boiling point, have also been highly praised, and they have held regular solo concerts at large live houses representing Kansai, such as BIGCAT, Zepp Namba, and Namba Hatch, and have been very successful. In December 2024, they also declared that they would hold a live concert at the Budokan within the next four years, and as the first step towards that goal, they are currently releasing a single every month for five consecutive months.

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     頭のてっぺんからつま先まで純度100%、「浪花乃ラガ男G」の異名を持つコッテコテのレゲエ・ディージェイ。やんちゃな少年時代のとどめにレゲエ・ミュージックに出会って以来、ラガマフィン道を邁進してきた大阪が誇るエンターテイナー。  活動開始以来、ジャマイカのレゲエ・ディージェイが元来持っていた、“話芸”の部分を地元大阪の“べしゃり”文化と絶妙に融合させながら、「しらんの?」、「ほんまに言うてんの?」、「危ナイ~ス!!」、「バシバシヤバシやでしかし!!」などのヒットチューンを生み出してきた。 この日常の掛け合いの中で生まれたフレーズを大胆に取り入れる楽曲制作のスタイルは、芸歴が四半世紀を超えた今も他の追随を許さない。  またひと声でレゲエを感じさせる圧倒的な声量のダミ声は、女性シンガーとの相性の良さでも知られ、MINMIやMUNEHIROなどのフューチャリングアーティストとして数々のヒット曲をメジャーシーンに送り出している。    盟友RED SPIDERと共に生み出してきた功績も数知れず、「ギャル男撲滅キャンペーン」「プー太郎SEX禁止令」などの楽曲は、タイトルもさることながら、その絶妙に物申すべきところに物申すテーマ選びが、オーディエンスにカルチャーショックを与えるほどの鮮烈なインパクトを残し、ある種の社会現象をも生み出したとも言われる。  キャリア初期の代表曲の一つでもある「ZUM ZUM」は、今やRED SPIDERが作り上げるイベントやYouTube Channelのタイトルなどをはじめ、様々な場面に使用される関西レゲエシーンの一種のブランドとして機能し、レゲエファンで知らぬもののいない稀有なフレーズとなっている。  普段、スラックネスと呼ばれるダンスホール・レゲエの伝統芸とも言える下世話なテーマを扱った楽曲を得意とするため、ユーモラスなアーティストのイメージも強いが、近年は「凱旋MC battle」、「真・ADRENALIN」、「ZtoA MC BATTLE」などのMCバトルにも参戦し、ライミングスキルに長けたハードコアな一面にも注目が集まっている。

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    KENTY GROSSの他のリリース

    He is one of the leading reggae deejays in the Kansai region, with a 20-year career centered around his hometown of Osaka. Born and raised in Senshu, Osaka, one of the leading reggae towns in the country, he started playing in 2003 at the age of 18. He visited Jamaica for the first time in 2004, was shocked by the authentic reggae music, and started to play in earnest. His talent immediately blossomed, and he began to attract attention in the scene as a promising young artist under the nickname "GHETTO PRINCE". He began releasing albums from labels around the country around 2006, and in 2008 he released his first full album "GHETTO PRINCE". He embarked on a nationwide tour titled "21 bullet" as a release tour. In 2010, he released his second album "WHO COME! ?" and chose to go on a long-term training course in Jamaica to further improve his skills. While there, he was active in the capital, Kingston, hosting regular dance events with his friend CHEHON, who was also in Jamaica at the same time and undergoing long-term training, at Seaview Gardens, a ghetto. After returning to Japan, he released his third album, "JUST REACH," in 2012, and his fourth album, "Di NATURAL," in 2015, and has been releasing albums consistently. In 2017, he joined Kaeru Studio and accompanied RED SPIDER on their 47 prefecture tour. In 2019, he released the mini-album "WEAPON GO," all produced by RED SPIDER, and in 2023, he released two mini-albums, "NATURAL" and "WEAPON." With lyrics that are so straightforward they're almost naive, and a flow that is sometimes sharp and sometimes sweet, his singing skills, from dancehall to one-drop, are top-notch. He is also well-known for his writing ability to richly depict a story in one song, and is well-known for his work as a guest artist. As a so-called orthodox reggae deejay, he has continued to be a role model for many artists since his appearance on the scene, and there is still a continuous stream of people who openly profess his influence, including APOLLO and 775.

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