何もできなくて 何も知らなくて この世界に生まれるまでは
勇者の剣も 鉄の盾もなく 争うこと知らずに生きてた
やがて 幾度となく 立ち向かって 傷つき傷付け
大切にするべきものも守れず 弱さを知った
魔法なんてなくて 戻ることは叶わないけれど
伝説にはならない ただひとつの 物語を生きてる
夜が来る度に 何かに怯えて 光のような人にも出会えた
巨大な魔物に 立ち向かえたのは ひとりじゃない きみがいたからさ
やがて 時は巡り 世界がまた 生まれ変わっても
語り継がれることのないストーリー 紡(つむ)いでいく
魔法なんてなくて 筋書とは違っているけれど
見えない糸を手繰り寄せるように 物語を生きてる
例え 風にふかれ 雨にうたれ 長い夜の中
癒えない傷を抱いて歩いていく それが今のぼく
やがて 星になって この姿が消えてしまっても
光になってでも この歌声が どうか届きますように
- Lyricist
Mori Noaya
- Composer
Mori Noaya
Listen to NOT FANTASY by Mori Noaya
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Mori Noaya
This work was created in 2021. It was announced as the first part of the resumption of activities in 2024.
Living in the "reality" where magic cannot be used.
The harsh reality is faced with the reality that this world is not a fantasy...
Even as this reality is brought to light,
what sustains the heart is the fantasy of dreams and hope.
No matter how many times she falls,
perhaps it is thanks to the magic that dwells in her heart that she never gives up...
This work was created with this idea in mind.
"I'm not alone. It was because you were there that I was able to face the giant monster."
Artist Profile
Mori Noaya
Mori Naoya has been creating since he was a child, and has continued to work in his own style with video, music, and art. He made his major debut in 2000. His song was chosen as the ending theme for the first season of the anime series "Hajime no Ippo." He continued to create in a variety of ways, including film and art production, and in 2024, he resumed his music career in earnest.
Mori Noayaの他のリリース