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ラッパー田我流を迎えて時代への想いを綴る名曲「平成」(M-3)をはじめ、止まる事ない進(深)化を続けるcro-magnonの音楽世界が集約された、約5年振りとなる待望の6thアルバム『cro-magnon city』、遂に完成!!
前作『V』(2014)リリース後には全国40カ所以上のツアーを成功させ、ツアー後も国内外の数々のビッグ・フェスティバルやパーティーに招かれオーディエンスを席巻。そうしたcro-magnonとしてのライブ活動と並行して、RHYMESTERのDJ JINとのジョイントプロジェクト “cro-magnon-jin”をはじめ、コスガツヨシ (Gt. & Bass)と大竹重寿 (Dr. & Per.)は国内ジャズ・シーンの精鋭が集結したスーパー・ジャム・バンド”Selim Slive Elementz”への参加、金子巧 (Key.)はDJ/プロデューサー池田正典とのクロスオーバー・チルアウトユニット”Coastlines”をスタートさせる等、バンド/個々共に精力的な活動を展開してきた。
それらの活動で培った貴重な音楽体験、アイディア/インスピレーションを集約し、約5年の歳月を経てこの待望のニューアルバム『cro-magnon city』は生み出された。
南米~カリブ的なエッセンスも取り入れたオープニングTRK「Big Ship」にはじまり、スウィング・ジャズとアシッド・グルーヴが火花を散らす「Three On Four」(M-4)、フュージョン・メロー・レゲエ/ダブ「Castle In The Air 」(M-7)、ヴォコーダーをFeatしたアーバン・ファンク「Funky DownTown 」(M-8)、既に彼等のライブではニュー・アンセム的な盛り上がりを魅せている極上のジャズファンク・ディスコ「Cro-Magnon City」(M-12)と、肉体的なビート/グルーヴ感、先鋭的なアイディア、円熟の演奏が織り成す珠玉の12曲がここには収録。
注目のゲストには、ヒップホップ・シーンから、田我流、 BLAHRMY (SHEEF THE 3RD & MILES WORD)の2組が参画。
In 1996, Shigekazu Otake (Dr. & Per.), Tsuyoshi Kosuga (Gt. & Bass), Takumi Kaneko (Key.) met in Boston, the United States, and started jam sessions together. In 1999, after their return to Japan, they formed a band called "Loop Junktion." They had released a mini-album and two full-albums in 2004 but unfortunately suspended their music activities. In the same year, they returned to the starting line with evolved inspiration, formed a band called "cro-magnon," and re-started music activities. Whatever the size of their play stages, they always make the audience dance and became so popular in Korea and other countries in Southeast Asia. In 2009, they succeeded in European Tour twice and released their 4th album "4U" in August. In December, 2010, they released their first collaboration album, "joints," with vocalists (collaboration artists: Asako Toki, Yu Sakai, Tabito Nanao, Roy Ayers, TWIGY, GAGLE, Chinza Dopeness, S.L.A.C.K. & PUNPEE, MC KAN, Yohei Miyake, Mika Arisaka, Steve Spacek) In April, 2012, they released the first best album, "THE BEST." In July, the same year, collaborated with popular Japanese cartoon "Hyouge Mono," released an album "Otsu". By featuring a Japanese singer, "Ikuzo Yoshi," they broke a new ground with their new expression. In 2013, they succeeded in their 3rd European Tour. The road movie, uploaded by "THE NORTH FACE" in YOUTUBE, gained big attentions. In July, 2014, they released their 5th original album, "V," They toured successfully more than 40 locations within Japan. In 2016, they released an album called "cro-magnon-jin," which is the joint project with DJ JIN from RHYMESTER. In 2019, they released 6th new album "cro-magnon city". Remarkable featuring artists are DENGARYU and BLAHRMY (SHEEF THE 3RD & MILES WORD) from Japanese Hip Hop Scene. The new masterpiece brings the spread of their music world and deep taste of mature ensemble/arrangement. Their future success with new creativity is greatly anticipated.
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