I just stood there when it was right in front of me
I realized I ran away from unpleasant things
Now is the time to change.Who will save me is me
Don't try to fool myself.Nobody knows my issues inside of me
Every nights, loneliness kills me
At the break of dawn, but I still alive
So I often don't know if I'm dead or alive
Tell me why.What's going on?
Majority say everything will work out
Life should be beautiful.But I don't think so
(I hope that, too)
Strictly speaking, some say it is good, but others like me say it is bad
Don't sugarcoat me
These words hurt me.I don't wanna lie to you,(And to me.)
Even though I'm not sure if it's right not to lie,I don't wanna lose myself anymore
Nobody can realize your feelings without speaking out
Express our feelings and maybe find solutions
Every nights, loneliness kills me
At the break of dawn, but I still alive
So I often don't know if I'm dead or alive
Tell me why.What's going on?
Majority say everything will work out
Life should be beautiful.But I don't think so
(I hope that, too)
Strictly speaking, some say it is good, but others like me say it is bad
Don't sugarcoat me
These words hurt me.I don't wanna lie to you,(And to me.)
Even though I'm not sure if it's right not to lie,I don't wanna lose myself anymore
Don't be scared of making mistakes
No pain, no gain.Don't lose yourself
Don't be scared of making mistakes
No pain, no gain.Don't lose yourself
Majority say everything will work out
Life should be beautiful.But I don't think so
(I hope that, too)
Strictly speaking, some say it is good, but others like me say it is bad
Don't sugarcoat me
These words hurt me.I don't wanna lie to you,(And to me.)
Even though I'm not sure if it's right not to lie,I don't wanna lose myself anymore
- 作詞
- 作曲
ひゅーご の“Nobody Knows”を
ストリーミング / ダウンロード
- 1
- 2
Finding A Way
- 3
Go Ahead!
- 4
Change The World
- 5
- 6
Bloody Monster
- ⚫︎
Nobody Knows
- 8
Red Spider Lily
- 9
Tell Me Why
- 10
Hugo(ひゅーご)は、日本のシンガーソングライター、アーティスト。2017年2月からYouTubeへの動画投稿を中心に活動をスタート。作詞作曲編曲からレコーディングやミキシング等全て自身で手掛けている。感情に訴えかける様にVo.パートは日本語,英語やデスボイスなど使い分ける。楽曲はバンドサウンドを主体としPunk,Emo,Metalcore,Dubstep,Rap様々なジャンルや音楽要素を含んでいる。音楽以外にも絵や動画、詩など媒体を問わず創作活動している。「作品を通して多くの人達に感謝や愛の気持ちを伝え良い影響を与える」ことをコンセプトに活動中。YouTubeにてオリジナルMVやLyric MVを投稿している。