Spring arrives , Somei yoshino bloom
Flowers cover the sky and the ground
Reset my mind , Straighten my posture
I wanna fly away beautifully
I don't have anything else
But I have confident hope
I will bring hope to the world
I have shining hope , shining hope
So sing a pop , Like a breeze
I have shining hope , shining hope
So sing a pop for you
Fly away
To far away
Full bloom flowers surround me
Fly away, Somei yoshino pink
Bring my hope
Small hopes
Like Petals
Come together
Full bloom
Fly away
Dancing sky
I don't have anything else
But I have confident hope
No one can defeat hope
I have shining hope , shining hope
So sing a pop , Like a breeze
I have shining hope , shining hope
So sing a pop , More beautiful
Shining hope
Bring my hope
Fly away
To far away
Full bloom flowers surround me
Fly away, Somei yoshino pink
Fly away
Dancing sky
Somei yoshino pink
- Lyricist
Time Traveler from the Future
- Composer
Time Traveler from the Future
Listen to Somei Yoshino Pink by Time Traveler from the Future
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Somei Yoshino Pink
Time Traveler from the Future
If you visit Japan in the spring, you will probably see cherry trees called Someiyoshino.
In Japan, graduation and entrance ceremonies are held when someiyoshino are in bloom.
Someiyoshino is an indispensable flower for "farewells and encounters" and colors people's memories.
We created this song with various feelings for someiyoshino in full bloom on these special days.
We hope that each Someiyoshino will color the scenery in your mind with pink.
Artist Profile
Time Traveler from the Future
We are artists creating in Tokyo. The music expresses the world of the time traveler. We also produce music animations featuring the avatars of our members. Members Sphere/Vocals, Guitar Cube/Piano, Keyboards, Backing vocals Void/Drums, Backing vocals
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