ベッドの海 君と泳いだら 溺れ死にそうになるのは何故だろうか
愛なのか欲望なのか 分からないけど君は劇薬さ
抑えきれない僕の煩悩 隠しきれない君の本能
だけど… 大人の恋の狂い過ぎにはくれぐれも気をつけてわっしょい
ピンクの吐息 君はエンジェル ダブルロケットはスローモーション
大人になっても欲望に負ける 僕は神様に懺悔してる
M字開脚 V字飛行 エイトビートに16シャッフル
上になったり下になったり 脳内麻薬で後先は見えない
抑えきれない僕の煩悩 隠しきれない君の本能
恋のスタートは何故かスキャンダル 君の助手席はジェットコースター
- Lyricist
Kouji Yamaguchi
- Composer
Kouji Yamaguchi

Listen to Itsumo Dokokade Katteni Scandal by Kouji Yamaguchi
Streaming / Download
- 1
Sennen Sakieno Love Letter
Kouji Yamaguchi
- 2
Kono Machi de Bokutachiwa
Kouji Yamaguchi
- 3
Yappa Sore ga EE
Kouji Yamaguchi
- 4
Kimi no Sukina Uta
Kouji Yamaguchi
- ⚫︎
Itsumo Dokokade Katteni Scandal
Kouji Yamaguchi
- 6
Kimi no Na wo Bokuga
Kouji Yamaguchi
- 7
Kanashiki News no Kawarini
Kouji Yamaguchi
- 8
Kouji Yamaguchi
This is an 8-song album that is made up of a mix of old and new songs, focusing on his own "singing voice", melody, and acoustic sound.
The album, which has the same title as ``Instead of Sad News,'' is filled with the desire to convey universal love through songs, and the music video for it on YouTube has been played all over the world. This is a record that can be said to be the true essence of Koji Yamaguchi's songs, including the "POPPY".
Artist Profile
Kouji Yamaguchi
Basically from Chitose, Hokkaido. A singer-songwriter, composer and lyric writer .Influenced by his father, he started singing popular songs and enka songs from his childhood. When he was hospitalized in the 5th grade of elementary school, he listened to the folk song tapes his mother gave him every day, so he suddenly became a folk song boy after that. He started playing folk guitar in the 5th grade of elementary school and copied most of his typical folk songs. When he was in junior high school, he became interested in foreign popular music of the 60's and 70's, and started copying various genres. Especially his favorite artists are Beatles, Simon & Garfunkel, and Eagles, etc. He copied and imitated and sang every day. And since he was in high school he started writing songs. In addition, since he started making original songs, he frequently appeared in Sapporo City and live houses and events in the suburbs of Sapporo City and started live activities. About 300 songs have been created so far. Since he was a university student, he has been traveling around the country with a guitar in one hand and performing live in various places. After graduating from university, he became a personality for local radio programs in Hokkaido, appeared in his TV commercials, produced music for TV commercials, and provided music to other artists. Currently, he is active in music activities mainly in live activities all over the country.
Kouji Yamaguchiの他のリリース
elec records