The Tragic Radiance Front Cover


The Dance of Gears and Destiny (feat. Luminous Angels)


歯車が回る 静かな音

The gears turn, a quiet sound

運命の糸が 絡み合うように

Like threads of fate intertwining

無限に続く この舞踏の中

Within this endless dance

私はその中で ひとり回り続ける

I keep spinning alone in this dance

歯車と運命の舞 響き渡る

The dance of gears and destiny, it echoes through

運命の扉が 開かれていく

The door of fate opens wide

どんな壁も 越えて行ける

We can overcome any wall

この舞踏の中で 進んで行く

We keep moving forward in this dance

時を刻む歯車が 無情に動く

The gears that mark time move mercilessly

過去も未来も ひとつに繋がる

The past and future are connected as one

運命の中で 揺れる心

A heart swaying within fate

でもそれを信じて 踊り続ける

But believing in it, I continue to dance

歯車と運命の舞 響き渡る

The dance of gears and destiny, it echoes through

運命の扉が 開かれていく

The door of fate opens wide

どんな壁も 越えて行ける

We can overcome any wall

この舞踏の中で 進んで行く

We keep moving forward in this dance

歯車が回り すべてが動く

The gears turn, and everything moves

その先に待つ 新しい世界

A new world awaits ahead

運命の中で 道を信じて

In the dance of fate, I believe in the path

進み続ける その先へ

I continue moving forward, toward the end

歯車と運命の舞 響き渡る

The dance of gears and destiny, it echoes through

運命の扉が 開かれていく

The door of fate opens wide

どんな壁も 越えて行ける

We can overcome any wall

この舞踏の中で 進んで行く

We keep moving forward in this dance

歯車と運命の舞よ 永遠に

O dance of gears and destiny, forever

その旋律に従い 私は生きる

Following that melody, I live

終わりなき舞踏の中で 進んで行く

In this endless dance, I move forward

運命と共に 舞い続ける

Dancing with fate, I keep dancing

  • Lyricist


  • Composer


  • Producer


  • Vocals

    HAZUKI, Luminous Angels

The Tragic Radiance Front Cover

Listen to The Dance of Gears and Destiny (feat. Luminous Angels) by HAZUKI

Streaming / Download

  • 1

    The Tragic Radiance (feat. AyanoRen)


  • 2

    Nocturne of the Celestial Phantom (feat. AyanoRen)


  • 3

    Fallen Angel of the Stars (feat. Luminous Angels)


  • 4

    Tears of the Celestial Realm (feat. Luminous Angels)


  • 5

    Angel's Fall (feat. Luminous Angels)


  • 6

    Infinite Celestial Wings (feat. Luminous Angels)


  • 7

    Gears of Time (feat. AyanoRen)


  • 8

    Chronograph of Illusions (feat. Luminous Angels)


  • ⚫︎

    The Dance of Gears and Destiny (feat. Luminous Angels)


  • 10

    Scarlet of IlluScarlet of Illusionssions (feat. Luminous Angels)


  • 11

    Nocturne of Scarlet Dye (feat. Luminous Angels)


  • 12

    Fleeting Crimson Phantasm (feat. Luminous Angels)


Feel the rush of high-speed beats! This track is a fusion of Eurobeat unstoppable energy and the emotional intensity of anime soundscapes. Inspired by Initial D, it captures the thrill of the open road with fast-paced rhythms, powerful melodies, and an electrifying build-up that makes you feel like you are racing through the night. A must-listen for Eurobeat lovers, anime fans, and anyone looking for the ultimate driving soundtrack!

Artist Profile
