Remind To Go Front Cover


Remind To Go


諦めた ておもっちゃう けど諦めきれないってコレが答え

この音が途絶え ないのも答え

抑え効かない気持ち 止まれないほど 燃やせもう一度

諦めた ておもっちゃう けど諦めきれないってコレが答え

この音が途絶え ないのも答え

抑え効かない気持ち 止まれないほど 燃やせもう一度


あいもかわらず やってる 今も

好きなやつも 嫌いな奴も 調子どう?

元気ならそれでいい それぞれのストーリー

人生一度っきり そうだやっぱり

たまに痛む傷 生きてきた勲章

叶えた少しのドリーム リアルが重要 大切な人

よわい俺 いつも背中押してくれる杉山君と嫁

今でも覚えてるぜ くそな日々から最高なシーン

がむしゃらな日々 あれに間違いはない

答え合わせはいつ 死んだ時までお預け だからバカはほっとけ

俺ならここ 逃げてた昨日 こっからはNo いつだってそう Life Goes On やりきってない証拠

だからやるんだろ 残された時間賭けてGo!

諦めた ておもっちゃう けど諦めきれないってコレが答え

この音が途絶え ないのも答え

抑え効かない気持ち 止まれないほど 燃やせもう一度

諦めた ておもっちゃう けど諦めきれないってコレが答え

この音が途絶え ないのも答え

抑え効かない気持ち 止まれないほど 燃やせもう一度

  • Lyricist


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    DJ RUI

Remind To Go Front Cover

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    Remind To Go


Artist Profile

  • G.O.T.O.

    G.O.T.O. profile Born in 1980, he is from Takahama city, Aichi Prefecture. I started music activities with a rap unit that started with the same junior high school classmate in that small country town. We held both DJ and MC and held events at our own crew. It was young in the scene in Nagoya and revealed a shadow. But one unit withdrew from the unit. Renamed the name "WRECKSQUAD" on the occasion. Make full-scale activities. At that time, he appeared in an important event of the Nagoya HIOHOP scene MURDER THEY FALL with a pinch hit, and it gave the place despite being unknown at all. He also regularly appeared at the event, "Danjiri Festival" which is the whole body of TOKAISUMMIT, MC of a lap unit that was active in the center of Nagoya's HIPHOP scene. With that lap unit WRECK SQUAD, 6 single, 1 mini album, 1 full album released nationwide. However, it is currently inactive. Start soloing activities right after. The style called DJ + SIDE MC is not uncommon now, but it may be said that it is one of MC who pushed this role of position as SIDE MC to the standard. It will be called not only Nagoya but also the best MC in the whole country by making full use of cultivated skill and sense such as live performance and expressive power in the lap unit that has been active for a long time, sense of unity with the audience. And at the monster class Club "iD CAFE" which is also called the nationwide NO 1 which is the center of his own activity, it is a key man at the site (club) where it can respond to MC on HIPHOP floor main MC, EDM etc. A person indispensable in the field (event etc.), MC. In 2016 DJ RYOW also participates in outdoor BIG FES such as "TOKAI SUMMIT FINAL" "NAMIMONOGATARI" "WIRED MUSIC FESTIVAL PRESENTS HAUNTED HALLOWEEN" as SIDE MC of DJ RYOW.

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