dig it, dig it Front Cover


dig it, dig it


Give me. Give me. 思い切りが大事

Shake it off, shake it off

Don't hesitate

Shake it off, shake it off


Dig it, dig it, LaLa dig it, dig it, LaLa

You gotta be you 思うままでいいの

Shake it out, Shake it out

Stand up!

Shake it out, Shake it out


Feel it, Feel it, LaLa Feel it, Feel it, LaLa

Live it. Live it. LaLa Live it. Live it. LaLa



We're all just playing a game now


なりたい自分にPutting on makeup






いいの いいの

My dream, it's mine

Give me. Give me. 思い切りが大事

Shake it off, shake it off

Don't hesitate

Shake it off, shake it off


Dig it, dig it, LaLa dig it, dig it, LaLa

You gotta be you 思うままでいいの

Shake it out, Shake it out

Stand up!

Shake it out, Shake it out


Feel it, Feel it, LaLa Feel it, Feel it, LaLa

時には必要 強かさ

お行儀よく ほら Give it Give it a shot!


Love me, Love me, LaLa

Love me, Love me, LaLa

笑われててもバカにされても Don’t mind

Go ahead the way that you believe it

Take it easy. We need a holiday






もっと もっと

I want to dream!

Give me. Give me. 思い切りが大事

Shake it off, shake it off

Don't hesitate

Shake it off, shake it off


Dig it, dig it, LaLa dig it, dig it, LaLa

You gotta be you 思うままでいいの

Shake it out, Shake it out

Stand up!

Shake it out, Shake it out


Feel it, Feel it, LaLa Feel it, Feel it, LaLa



Now or never

時代を邁進 楽しまなきゃね

Love me, Love me, LaLa

Love me, Love me, LaLa

Dig it, dig it, LaLa

Dig it, dig it, LaLa

Feel it, Feel it, LaLa

Feel it, Feel it

Live it. Live it

Dig it, dig it, LaLa

Dig it, dig it, LaLa

Feel it, Feel it, LaLa

Feel it, Feel it, LaLa

Love me, Love me, LaLa

Love me, Love me, LaLa

  • Lyricist

    AXY project

  • Composer

    AXY project

dig it, dig it Front Cover

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    dig it, dig it


24emotions_ "Ni-Yon"

About 24emotions
Catchcopy: "Shaking the Times with Five Emotions"

24emotions, commonly known as "Ni-Yon," is a 5-member Japanese girl group that debuted in March 2023. Breaking away from traditional idol aesthetics, the group emphasizes its unique worldview through bold and daring performances and songs.

- Miracle Mirror**: 3rd M/V surpassed 600,000 views.
- mia mia**: 4th M/V achieved over 1.1 million views.
- Gaining attention not only in Japan but also across various Asian countries.

1st Live Performance
- Announced a solo live show at the 650-capacity venue "WWW X" for August 29th, backed by three months of daily flyer distribution and live streaming by the members themselves.

- Sold out the remaining 100 tickets during a 24-hour live TikTok stream only a few days before the event, and captured the number 1 spot on TikTok's trending chart just before the broadcast ended.

- The first solo live show was a huge success with a sweeping full house, shaking the audience into a whirlpool of excitement with their overwhelming performance.

Upcoming Event
- Despite being less than a year into their career, they announced a bold move: a concert at the 2000+ capacity venue "KT ZEPP YOKOHAMA," scheduled for January 26, 2024.

Artist Profile

  • 24emotions

    24emotions(トゥエンティーフォーエモーションズ)通称「にーよん」。 2023年3月にデビュー。独自の世界観を追求したEDM x POPベースの楽曲と、激しいダンス、エモーショナルなライブパフォーマンスを武器に活動している7人組ガールズグループ。 アイドルとしてデビューし、僅か半年後の8月29日には650人収容のライブハウス『WWW X』でのワンマンライブを地道な努力で満員にし大成功で幕を閉じた。

3rd M/V'Miracle Mirror'は60万回を超え、4th M/V’mia mia’も110万回超えを達成。 そしてデビュー1年目の集大成のライブを2024年1月にZEPP横浜にて行うはずだったが、メンバーが直前で脱退。公演も開催中止となる。 その失意の中で活動を継続する事を決断し、新メンバーオーディションを行い3名を選出。 デビュー1周年のアニバーサリーライブ「The Birth of New 24 Supported by 明治プロビオヨーグルトR-1」を新宿ReNYにて行い、新体制でのライブを初披露した。 7月に2ndアルバム、8月に新体制ライブを発表し、益々精力的に活動していく。

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AXY records
