Out of My Head Front Cover


Out of My Head

Toshiki Abe

I’m daydreaming about your gold hair blue eyes

They mirror back to me like the sea reflects the sky

I’m make believing that your life ends up in mine

Butterflies as soon as our hands intertwine

Can’t get you out of my head

Can’t get you out of my head

You look my way can’t help that my face is flushed red

Can’t get you out of my head

I’ll always remember the way you say my name

How you kissed me with our song on replay

After the summer will it ever be the same

It doesn’t matter babe l’ll always play your game

Can’t get you out of my head

Can’t get you out of my head

You look my way can’t help that my face is flushed red

Can’t get you out of my head

Our time won’t last forever

Let’s not waste our time together

I wanna do what feels right tonight

(Do what feels right)

Can’t get you out of my head

Can’t get you out of my head

You look my way can’t help that my face is flushed red

Can’t get you out of my head

  • Lyricist

    Toshiki Abe

  • Composer

    Toshiki Abe

  • Producer

    Toshiki Abe

  • Remixer

    Toshiki Abe

Out of My Head Front Cover

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    Out of My Head

    Toshiki Abe

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Out of My Head

iTunes Store • Dance TOP SONGS • Japan • TOP 42 • 19 Oct 2023