2 months ago Front Cover


2 months ago


2 months ago


You are like an angel


Your smile is like a sun flower

You make me feel brighter


I'm Just a piece of shit



I feel like I can change for you

I would do anything for you

I know it wasn't meant to be

I feel shit those days

Without you

The days with you is

Bitter sweet

But I know I'll never

Be with you

I know

I don't deserve you

I know

Cos I'm weak and breakable


Your are like a shooting star


I want to be with you

Just for now

Because I’ll be going

Far away from you

I know it wasn't meant to be

I feel shit those days

Without you

The days with you is

Bitter sweet

But I know I'll never

Be with you

I know

You don't turn around

I know

You go straight on your way

I know it wasn't meant to be

I know I never be with you

I know it wasn't meant to be

I feel shit on days

Without you

The days with you is

Bitter sweet

But I know never be with you

I'm sure you always

Keep me clean

I sure you save me

From this hell

You are like a goddess

Shines brightly

But I know I never be with

  • Lyricist


  • Composer

    Hikaru Kimura, JAVANICUS

2 months ago Front Cover

Listen to 2 months ago by JAVANICUS

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    2 months ago


Artist Profile


    2018年東京にて当時別々にバンドをやっていた友達3人でゆるく結成 同年1stアルバム“My daddy really loves suger”をかなりふざけながら制作&発表 このまま勢いに乗りライブ活動に楽曲制作と期待されたが、サボりにサボり倒し、4年が経過してしまっている そんな彼らだが現在2ndアルバムのリリースに向けて動いているとのことである 今後の活動に期待したい

    Artist page
