ONE FOR ALLのジャケット写真




I'll sing! we'll make!

Many many many songs for someone

You and I will be very very very good! Better! Better!

One step at a time

Never never stay here, Don't stagnate

Let's sing it! Oh! Na na na na!

The big stage for FORALL

We have a great dream, Dream come true!

Send our song to someone

Hope it's gonna change into a smile

Gonna do what we want

Heavy rotation! Let's sing it! Sing it!

Let's sing it! Oh! Na na na na!

You're really magical

Because you don't go away

Don't give it up

You're really magical

Take on a big challenge with you

It's a show time, It's a show time

We're really magical

We're gonna be bigger

Don't give it up

We're really magical

We are never afraid of failure

It's a show time

Fully enjoy ourselves now

Hey! Hey! Watch us!

Don't fuck with us! We're outta sight!

Let's think positively and look on the bright side

Better! Better!

One step at a time

Never never stay here, Don't stagnate!

Our music in heavy rotation!

Let's sing it! Oh! Na na na na!

Let's sing it! Oh! Na na na na!

Stuck in the same day

Heavy rotation でさ

Let's sing it! Oh! Na na na na!

You're really magical

Because you don't go away

Don't give it up

You're really magical

Take on a big challenge with you

It's a show time, It's a show time

We're really magical

We're gonna be bigger

Don't give it up

We're really magical

We are never afraid of failure


Let's go crazy!


Because you don't go away

Don't give it up


Take on a big challenge with you

It's a show time, It's a show time

We're really magical

We're gonna be bigger

Don't give it up

We're really magical

We are never afraid of failure

It's a show time

Fully enjoy ourselves now

It's a show time, It's a show time

It's a show time, It's a show time

We're really magical

We're gonna be bigger

Don't give it up

We're really magical

We are never afraid of failure

It's a show time

Fully enjoy ourselves now

  • 作詞者


  • 作曲者


  • 共同プロデューサー


  • レコーディングエンジニア


  • ミキシングエンジニア


  • マスタリングエンジニア


  • ギター


  • ドラム


  • ボーカル


  • 合唱 / コーラス


ONE FOR ALLのジャケット写真

FORALL の“Magical”を


ストリーミング / ダウンロード


