Maybe, It’s not Bagのジャケット写真


My Half Way


Everything I was halfway

I got off on the way many times

I didn’t feel well even

On such a sunny day

No one help about me

It was natural, but

I felt a little lonely

Someone, call my name

And get me out of here.

I want to restart from now on

Winding road is waiting

In my lifetime

And fight it out each suffering

With my faith

Winding road is waiting

In my lifetime

And fight it out each suffering

With my faith

I can restart.I can restart

I don't miss you

In the passing scenery, I think

I don’t want to lie to

Myself anymore

I was always on the train

Without any preparation

No one help about me

It was natural, but

I felt a little lonely

Someone, call my name

And get me out of here.

I want to restart from now on

Winding road is waiting

In my lifetime

And fight it out each suffering

With my faith

Winding road is waiting

In my lifetime

And fight it out each suffering

With my faith

I can restart.I can restart

I don't miss you

  • 作詞


  • 作曲


Maybe, It’s not Bagのジャケット写真

THE PORTER の“My Half Way”を


ストリーミング / ダウンロード

THE PORTER( ザポーター ) 初のフルアルバムのリリース決定 !! 持ち前の聴き心地の良いメロディーラインと、ツインギターによる情景のあるリードが冴え渡る今作は Weezer の say it ain’ t so を力強いアレンジカバーで、またアコースティック曲 letter を収録。 もちろんの事、メロディックパンク節全開の楽曲も含め、バラエティにとんだアルバムとなっている。 4 ピースバンドの教科書の様な今作は初めて THE PORTER に出会う方にもオススメの一枚になってます。


