- Lyricist
Kenji Arai
- Composer
Kenji Arai
- Producer
Kenji Arai
- Recording Engineer
Kenji Arai
- Mixing Engineer
Kenji Arai
- Mastering Engineer
Kenji Arai
- Graphic Design
Kenji Arai
- Guitar
Kenji Arai
- Keyboards
Kenji Arai
- Synthesizer
Kenji Arai
- Vocals
Kenji Arai
Listen to Ore Wa Warui Yatsu by Kenji Arai
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Ore Wa Warui Yatsu
Kenji Arai
K, a junior in high school who wanted to be a delinquent but had not yet become one, said, "Senpai, you shouldn't smoke because it's bad for your health. Well, I'll smoke. It was so uncool that I wrote a song about his half-heartedness. It's a social rock song about a guy who smokes.
Artist Profile
Kenji Arai
A solo project of Kenji Arai, a composer active in video games, animation, and providing music to artists. His music is intended to send messages to a variety of people, ranging from familiar matters such as his cute cat and middle-aged weight gain to big issues such as world peace.
Kenji Araiの他のリリース
Studio Hemuri