Too Late to Apologizeのジャケット写真


Orb and Square

The Traveling Theory

Nobody feels like they’re human

Cuz lost their expression

Leaving this town after 18

To find my shoe

Ord and square fall to my head from

The upside down

Taking away the human dignity

But I'm not sick anymore

Today was nice day

I ate breakfast

Cheese and black coffee

Where is my mate of this sock

I gave it up

I”m seeking it under the french bed

Say anything

I tried to talk about my dream

Make me laugh


Hey, I'm still here with

My dead young boy

For the flowers

For the flowers

You seem like me

Such as your bed hair

The taste like toothpaste

There’s no one like me

I thought before leave my hometown

You seem like me

Such as your bed hair

The taste like toothpaste

There’s no one like me

I thought before leave my hometown

Orb and square

Simpler but not quite awake

My heart was calm until my hands warmed

I‘d like to be a deep sea crab

  • 作詞

    The Traveling Theory

  • 作曲

    The Traveling Theory

  • レコーディングエンジニア


  • ミキシングエンジニア

    Devu Recording Studio

  • マスタリングエンジニア

    Devu Recording Studio

  • グラフィックデザイン


  • ギター

    The Traveling Theory

  • ベースギター

    The Traveling Theory

  • ドラム

    The Traveling Theory

  • ボーカル

    The Traveling Theory

Too Late to Apologizeのジャケット写真

The Traveling Theory の“Orb and Square”を


ストリーミング / ダウンロード


Running Out Label
