Tiny Fire / You and Iのジャケット写真


You and I


There are some pollution, a buzz of conversation is the cause

We have no protection and cannot resist it easily

She wears clothes she doesn't like and cares if she's out of weird rules

Whereas he made up his mind and started walking outside the wall

Hey, they are laughing at him again

But I send him praise

You and I were not born to blame each other maybe

You and I are just clinging to facile relief

Dried up affliction makes an invitation to the swirl of tracks

Without realization, we are drawn inside it gradually

Even so, she seems to have already found her way out of the wall

And he has been looking for someone he has never seen yet

Hey, the sky is still covered with night

I can't stay like this

You and I were not born to blame each other maybe

You and I are just clinging to facile relief

So if we take off each shackles, we can meet in a different way than now

Let’s keep chasing the daybreak

You and I

  • 作詞者

    佐々木 寛弥

  • 作曲者


Tiny Fire / You and Iのジャケット写真

KOHARU計画 の“You and I”を


ストリーミング / ダウンロード

東京のシティロックバンド KOHARU計画が結成後キャリア初となるデジタル両A面シングル『Tiny Fire / You and I』を6月2日に各サブスクリプションサービスにてリリースする。


今作には、自分の中に燻る情熱の小さな火種を仲間と共に大きくしていくことがテーマの「Tiny Fire」、社会の常識に捉われず自分らしく生きることを肯定する「You and I」の2曲が収録されている。


