A lonely HERO! (Only lonely ...) Front Cover


It's all in love!!! "Ichika bachika" (To you whom I loved!!!)

Tsuyoshi tsuno

一か八かの恋心に 友情込めてさぁ

言い訳の 全てなら ココに置いておくわよぉ

キッパリ言うわよぉ 君が君である訳に

とっくに  気付いているでしょ

「人生、酸いも甘いも 味わうのが 筋だろぉ」

チョッと待ってよぉ そんなに騒ぎ立てないでよぉ

面白い人がタイプなのぉ 何て言ってはいるけどぉ

思い出の中に 住んでる訳じゃないのよぉ

一か八かでもイイでしょ これも女なのよぉ

もう後戻りは 出来っこないからねぇ

伸るか反るかハッキリしてよねぇ 大和魂 見せてよね

  • Lyricist

    Tsuyoshi tsuno

  • Composer

    Tsuyoshi tsuno

A lonely HERO! (Only lonely ...) Front Cover

Listen to It's all in love!!! "Ichika bachika" (To you whom I loved!!!) by Tsuyoshi tsuno

Streaming / Download

  • 1

    A lonely Hero! (I chose the more musical side)

    Tsuyoshi tsuno

  • 2

    Because It's Christmas!!! (Even though it's summer, Christmas Super Version)

    Tsuyoshi tsuno

  • 3

    Pray for Sex addicts (Because I love you!!!)

    Tsuyoshi tsuno

  • 4

    A cheering song to sing for "Wakamono"!!! (We adults have no choice but to entrust our future to the children we have now!! special edition)

    Tsuyoshi tsuno

  • 5

    Present!!! (Not Only my present! But also everyone's present!! version)

    Tsuyoshi tsuno

  • 6

    Epilogue!!!! (Because you're a wonderful person)

    Tsuyoshi tsuno

  • 7

    pray "gast" ~I took a lot of trains.~ (For Girls Talk Girls)

    Tsuyoshi tsuno

  • 8

    Tomorrow "Your happy song!!!" (Happy Come⋆2Version)

    Tsuyoshi tsuno

  • ⚫︎

    It's all in love!!! "Ichika bachika" (To you whom I loved!!!)

    Tsuyoshi tsuno

  • 10

    To your tomorrow! (I'm sure it's with you)

    Tsuyoshi tsuno

  • 11

    First Love!!! "Hatsukoi" (To you whom I loved very much!!!)

    Tsuyoshi tsuno

  • 12

    Daddy's Episode (Let's have a lot of fun!!!)

    Tsuyoshi tsuno

  • 13

    Karaoke! "Smiling flowers bloom happily!!!"" (For You)

    Tsuyoshi tsuno

  • 14

    Karaoke2 (Together all the way)

    Tsuyoshi tsuno

  • 15

    Yells!!! (With the feeling of good luck)

    Tsuyoshi tsuno

  • 16

    Rap he (This is the work that Tsuno has accomplished with EGGSPASS.)

    Tsuyoshi tsuno

It was done in a way that made sense to him. In the end, the album became a celebratory version.
In order for people to break with their past selves and welcome a new beginning, it may be okay to make others (humans) sad in order to move forward.
It means that you can't pretend to be right.
This album is dedicated to such women.
Think of it as a celebration and take it...
The time is the 6th year of Reiwa ..., and in the midst of further lost time, Japan people are addicted to more and more depths ...
The reason why I think it's okay is because the flowers of love are blooming. Love is an "ulterior motive"... Because there is a heart underneath. So what is love? Fittingly! "Sincerity" ~ !! Because there is a heart in the middle. There are people in the world who say interesting things...
Yoroshiku, please...

Artist Profile

  • Tsuyoshi tsuno

    Boys and girls don't want to go to school or go home.. I'm doing activities to support such students. In other words, with the main purpose of sending such children to education, we are engaged in activities to stabilize the spirit of children. In other words, I'm making such music. His representative work is "To young people!" " There are wishes - with the brightness of the rainbow as it is, hope, Yamato soul, wrapped in the light of gratitude, and Anakan (common name). First of all, there was a reason why I didn't go to school or go home, and I thought about whether it was the children's fault or not. I thought the children were not bad. In other words, if that's the case, first of all, I achieved mental stabilization, and then I didn't go to school because I didn't go home, but I wanted the children to give me an answer about whether it's good or bad as it is. It is. I got mental stability and I wouldn't be irritated anymore, so I wanted you to return to school through a calm judgment. There is a compulsory education course for all students, and it's not just studying there.. For example, there are still things I want you to learn, such as distinguishing between right and wrong, and I want you to know that everything is necessary to live a long life richly. It was! I'm doing such a music activity. In addition, in the local area, the students who are cheering for them are returning to school, "Happy has come!" I'm going!!! I'm such a music activist. Nice to meet you!!!

    Artist page

    Tsuyoshi tsunoの他のリリース

warm up label
