to a Beautiful World Front Cover


to a Beautiful World

Aina Shomo

出逢いがあれば 別れがある



光が当たれば 影ができる

すれ違う心も いつか分かり合える






間違いなんてない 振り返らない

後悔しない 刻んでゆこう

この情熱に 辿り着く未来は

きっと 美しく輝いてる

吹き抜ける風は どこか寂しい

傷ついた心も 愛してきた事も

明日がくれば 何か変わる







間違いなんてない 振り返らない

後悔しない 刻んでゆこう

この情熱に 辿り着く未来は

きっと 美しく輝いてる





ここから始まる 長い旅路

見つけるんだ 大切なもの

この情熱に 辿り着く未来は

きっと 美しく輝いてる

  • Lyricist

    Aina Shomo

  • Composer


to a Beautiful World Front Cover

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    to a Beautiful World

    Aina Shomo

We received requests from many people and simultaneously released the songs recorded on the limited CD of the first dinner show after the name change.

Aina aims for a "beautiful world"! !

Artist Profile

  • Aina Shomo

    In 2020, she changed her name from Anna Shomo and made a new start. A singer songwriter who has the catchphrase of the rumored Taiyo Musume and suits the positive and bright everlasting summer. Although the song is not new, it has a timeless melody and sound, and is a humorous and interesting song that can be enjoyed by both children and adults. During live performances, the performances are highly entertaining and the audience can't help but dance along to the choreography. I aim for the Kohaku Uta Gassen while performing live activities and dinner shows, which are my life's work, mainly in Tokyo. Currently, she is active as a top live creator who captivates listeners with his overwhelming live performance under the nickname Atsune in the live streaming that started during the coronavirus pandemic. Achieved 1st place in the world in the singer category in 2020. 17LIVE 250k followers December 2022 TiKTok LIVE ALL STARS 2022 won the highest award in the music category June 2023 Certified as LIVE Pro by TikTok, which is the proof of an excellent TikTok LIVE creator December 2023 Won first place in the music category of TiKTok LIVE All Stars 2023 for the second consecutive year and won the TikTok Awards 2023 LIVE Music Creator of the Year given to the year's outstanding creators.

    Artist page

    Aina Shomoの他のリリース

Taiyo Entertainment
