Tame a Hound Front Cover




Respect for all Hounds

  • Lyricist


  • Composer

    doggie, junchai

  • Producer


  • Co-Producer


  • Vocals


Tame a Hound Front Cover

Listen to TaH by doggie

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doggie, which has reached a new level, has released its long-awaited second album ''Tame a Hound''. The album features Awasetsu Mona, ixtab, and Sad Kid Yaz as guest performers, and tracks produced by doggie himself, with Bain, junchai, yak, threedimensionsapart, and RhymeTube as producers.

Artist Profile

  • doggie

    He dedicated his three years of high school as a drummer to his band activities and started his individual activities in June 2020. In March 2021, he released his first EP ''SNOOZE'', which charted on the iTunes hip-hop chart. Released his 1st mini album ''AEROBLUE'' in December 2022. doggie 1st mini album ''AEROBLUE'' Release Party was held at Ebisu Bachika on December 9, 2024, and both tickets and goods were sold out immediately. "ex.UNDERDOGS*" was released in May 2024, and his alternative talents blossomed. ex.UNDERDOGS* Release Tour" in Tokyo, Nagoya, and Kyoto, selling CDs by hand and selling out instantly in all cities. In addition to his musical activities, he is also expanding his activities as a model, for example, modeling for the collaboration items of "BAD MOOD," a brand supervised by SEKAI NO OWARI Fukase, and "9090," a street brand.

    Artist page


