CROW (-English ver.-)のジャケット写真


CROW (-English ver.-)


I mend the broken pieces but everytime it always falls apart

This irritation and anger from trial and error, it endlessly keeps on haunting me

Inferiority, it keeps tormenting me and swallowing me whole

I was addicted to pleasures of putting you down, a game I played but could not get out

The news only shows negativity

Nothing playing that I’d ever wanna see

Why are humans such weak and foolish beings, I implore you?

Who the hell am I, and I ask, who the hell are you?

Words that I say put my heart in pain, I’m talking straight into my own reflection

Hiding my true identity to bear what hurt deep inside

I don’t know why, can’t figure it out

I don’t remember when I even lost myself

Some people they betray others easily, can’t believe they stoop so low

Money and drugs always help me They never leave me

Trust that they’ll always be by my side

You vacantly stare then ask me, caressing the scars carved on my wrist

Where is the girl I once knew with a smile so pure, what’s left is only a jaded shell

You can no longer hear the sounds of my beating pulse through the pain and anguish that plagues my heart

Or go unnoticed until it’s too late and all comes crumbling to pieces

What the hell does happiness mean?

And tell me, what’s the reason of life

I cannot find the answer in me

I feel ashamed and it’s infuriating

My silent screams try escaping me, they have a mind of their own

They echo on, all through the town, when the city’s fast asleep into the night

The crows that are flocking my way are flying through the sunset sky

There’s one that I see, has an injured wing, it can’t keep up and just been left behind

I understand exactly how you feel, I hope that you know

Why must it be so goddamn hard

Living the lives that we were meant to live

Lights shining through the rubble

May be the key, the guide in me

Follow the signs, the meaning of life

To find the reason for our bleak existence

I whispered quietly to the injured crow that fateful day

Don’t you think it’s too soon for the both of us, to succumb to this and give up on our lives

  • 作詞


  • 作曲


CROW (-English ver.-)のジャケット写真

うぴ子 の“CROW (-English ver.-)”を


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    CROW (-English ver.-)





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