New Me Front Cover



Agent K

Baby Imma rock star only in my mind

I’ll never go to Chik-fil-a cuz I can’t order myself

I’m so high right now but it doesn’t matter

Ride in my lemon car and chill at in n out

Protein style

Without pickles

Without cheese

But with onion

Soft drink “medium”

I wish you had sprite

I always drink 7 up

That’s my favorite

But that’s not in Japan

Take me back to the United States

Baby Imma rock star only in my mind

I’ll never go to Chik-fil-a cuz I can’t order myself

I’m so high right now but it doesn’t matter

Ride in my lemon car and chill at in n out

  • Lyricist

    Agent K

  • Composer

    Agent K

New Me Front Cover

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