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Hideyuki Ishiyama

インターネットの広告 今日も見せられる

動画サイトも Newsも広告だらけ

一つだけならいいけど 二つも三つも並べて


ちょっと触ると動くヤツ 急に下から出るヤツ

何秒か待たされるヤツ 横から来るヤツ

物が売れたら お金が入る お金が入れば幸せ

見ている人の事など お構いなしのアフィリエイター

この世は広告だらけだよ 我慢の限界 ストレスだ

この世は広告地獄だね だけど 広告出してるヤツには天国さ

街を歩けば広告 またも見せられる(見ないけど)

知らないヤツが笑ってる 巨大なカオス

一人だけでも嫌なのに 四人も五人も真似して

見たくない顔 見せられる顔面広告

よく見る社長でかいヤツ 白い歯医者の若いヤツ

葬儀会社の渋いヤツ 水道屋の老けたヤツ

全く酷い世の中さ 自分が良けりゃ それでいいの?

確かに金は大事だが 俺は誰かに嫌な想いをさせてまでは欲しくない

この世は広告だらけだよ 何処に行っても見せられる

この世は広告社会だね だから 広告出してる同士は奪い合い

二つぐらいにしてくれよ 三つも四つも出すなよ

それじゃ 反って お客を取り逃がす


この世は広告ばかりだよ 俺には広告 この声が

この世は広告地獄でも 歌の広告出してる俺にはパラダイス Woo

×印を押したら消えるはずなのに スマホじゃ×印が物凄く小さくて

何度やっても押せなくて ついその広告をクリックしちゃって

それをまたAIが認識するから 同じその広告をまた何度も何度も見せられて

結局 何回検索しても そのサイトが出て来て 画面が見えないよ

  • Lyricist

    Hideyuki Ishiyama

  • Composer

    Hideyuki Ishiyama

  • Producer

    Hideyuki Ishiyama

  • Recording Engineer

    Hideyuki Ishiyama

  • Mixing Engineer

    Hideyuki Ishiyama

  • Mastering Engineer

    Hideyuki Ishiyama

  • Graphic Design

    Hideyuki Ishiyama

  • Guitar

    Hideyuki Ishiyama

  • Bass Guitar

    Hideyuki Ishiyama

  • Keyboards

    Hideyuki Ishiyama

  • Vocals

    Hideyuki Ishiyama

  • Background Vocals

    Hideyuki Ishiyama

  • Songwriter

    Hideyuki Ishiyama

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Listen to affiliater by Hideyuki Ishiyama

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    Hideyuki Ishiyama

These days, advertisements on internet sites are terrible. Three or four advertisements appear on one screen, and I can't see the screen at all. I don't think I'll buy anything from a site like that, and I'll try not to come back to it again. There is a limit to how much you can tolerate, so I think sales will increase if you reduce it a little more. I tried singing about it.

Artist Profile

  • Hideyuki Ishiyama

    I started singing my own songs while commuting to school when I was in elementary school and started playing the guitar at the age of 14. He started composing and composing properly at the age of 15 and auditioned. But he was defeated. At the age of 20, he was in charge of guitar and vocals in band activities. Meanwhile, he continued to write original songs. After that, he went through many unemployment and job changes and spent his thirties and forties without a place to express music. But he wakes up at the age of 49. He started delivering music, but it didn't work because he wasn't known. After that, he uploaded his songs to YouTube one after another. After trial and error, he learned how to make arrangements on the internet. For three years, he hone his music production skills, including arranging, and streamed videos to raise his profile. He is once again completely challenging music distribution. He is aiming for further heights.

    Artist page

    Hideyuki Ishiyamaの他のリリース