ちっぽけな ウソを付いて 友だちすら 欺いて 生きていた
もっと「自分らしく」 一歩一歩を 踏みしめて
思い出の中に 咲いている その笑顔 信じさせてくれよ
お前さん ホントにあの時の「テメェ」 なのかぃ
自分が 自分でなくなるのなら
何のための 自分なのだろう
燃え盛る 魂の炎を まだ消すな
永遠に 眩い 明日へ あの日のままで
一度きりの 日々だけど
ロックンロール気取って 歩んでゆく
そんな旅路で 選んだものは
やっぱり「自分らしさ」なんだよぉ 愛する友よ
キレイに着飾って 待っているのかい
恋焦がれて 刹那を 生きる
スマホの画面に 目を落としたって
心の中は I love you! あの人だけに
愛の向こう側の チンケな日々よ
向こう見ずな ガキの日々
神の似姿 人間ならば
許されて いるんだぜ 愛されて いるんだぜ Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!
未来永劫を 望んだと しても
人の一生なんて 31億秒の エピソード
命のバトンに託した メッセージ
ただ一言 「元気でいろよ」 尊厳にも似た 切なる願い
Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!
- Lyricist
Tsuyoshi tsuno
- Composer
Tsuyoshi tsuno
- Producer
Tsuyoshi tsuno
- Guitar
Tsuyoshi tsuno
- Bass Guitar
Tsuyoshi tsuno
- Vocals
Tsuyoshi tsuno
- Songwriter
Tsuyoshi tsuno
- Adapter
Tsuyoshi tsuno
- Programming
Tsuyoshi tsuno

Listen to Just sing & live! (bluesy as it is!) by Tsuyoshi tsuno
Streaming / Download
- ⚫︎
Just sing & live! (bluesy as it is!)
Tsuyoshi tsuno
- 2
AOZORA (Don't Cry! Be Happy!)
Tsuyoshi tsuno
- 3
I can't leave you alone [blue sky]
Tsuyoshi tsuno
- 4
Talk [As a certain warmth with heat] [Listen to this story! special!!]
Tsuyoshi tsuno
Happy New Year. In fact, I sang about my determination as a musician belonging to Tunecore Japan! In fact, this time, I expressed my desire to work as an influencer at the same time, and I expressed my position that I would deliver music to you more than a musician ... Speaking of influencers, there is Kai Haruki, and I am afraid that Mr. Haruki is also from Tunecore Japan, so I will be following the same path from far behind! This album has "4 tracks" in tracks, but it contains "3 new songs" and "1" new talk (unreleased)! If you think that the new song is more suitable for Tunecore Japan because it is music, this sound is a rough one that is not typical of Tunecore Japan. But that's just the accompaniment, and the song itself is rock, so the accompaniment is also rock. Speaking of Tunecore Japan, it seems that it is said that there should be a piano ... But this time it's a little different, so I want to say this! In other words..., "This new guy from Tunecore Japan is certainly not the usual Tunecore Japan sound, but it's good!" Because it's Tunecore Japan!! Because it's a rock...! If you are active as an influencer, we will deliver it in "Talk". Yoroshiku, please... We look forward to working with you again this year.
In fact, the release changed two and three times this time, and in the end, the title was renewed and the release was carried out.
The new title is "We can still ROCK in TCJ!?", but in the end, "Can we still rock Tunecore Japan?" The title also raises the question. Speaking of which... Remain on the rock... After External Rock, it's Chibaree Rock ... It's this style with rocks in between~! So it's a rock, so this is fine!!!!
Go ahead!
Artist Profile
Tsuyoshi tsuno
Boys and girls don't want to go to school or go home.. I'm doing activities to support such students. In other words, with the main purpose of sending such children to education, we are engaged in activities to stabilize the spirit of children. In other words, I'm making such music. His representative work is "To young people!" " There are wishes - with the brightness of the rainbow as it is, hope, Yamato soul, wrapped in the light of gratitude, and Anakan (common name). First of all, there was a reason why I didn't go to school or go home, and I thought about whether it was the children's fault or not. I thought the children were not bad. In other words, if that's the case, first of all, I achieved mental stabilization, and then I didn't go to school because I didn't go home, but I wanted the children to give me an answer about whether it's good or bad as it is. It is. I got mental stability and I wouldn't be irritated anymore, so I wanted you to return to school through a calm judgment. There is a compulsory education course for all students, and it's not just studying there.. For example, there are still things I want you to learn, such as distinguishing between right and wrong, and I want you to know that everything is necessary to live a long life richly. It was! I'm doing such a music activity. In addition, in the local area, the students who are cheering for them are returning to school, "Happy has come!" I'm going!!! I'm such a music activist. Nice to meet you!!!
Tsuyoshi tsunoの他のリリース
- The Rocks II (Too hot to handle , baby) Tsuyoshi tsuno
- The Music of Chivalry!!! (Brave and Kind , Humanity and Music [Is my alone justeice suitable for your soul!?]) Tsuyoshi tsuno
- 2024 Merry Christmas! With love! (No Interest, No Love!) Tsuyoshi tsuno
- Life Highway Boulevard "Jinsei kaidoo oodoori" (Rap big things out loud!!!) Tsuyoshi tsuno
warm up label