街の匂いが変わって 昼間の持ち場が増えていく
何度も立ち止まっていた 季節も何処かへ過ぎ去って
積もり積もった想いを たった一つだけ掴まえて
新しい服に着替えて いつものあの場所へ
洗いざらし 随分色の褪せた心だけど
ひらり 僕の側で舞い落ちる花を受け止めて
見た事の無い景色 本当はいつもの帰り道
この星空に残る 綻んだ気持ちは
両目に映るものよりも ずっと確かなもの
永遠に続く願い そんな大それたものじゃ無いけど
ふいに止まる会話 その隙間を覗き込んだら
たとえ安心しても 気を抜けばすぐに墜落する
上昇気流越えて いつかこの空も忘れて
僕ら知らない世界 そっと眺めていたいな
- Lyricist
Taisuke Seo
- Composer
Taisuke Seo
Listen to Soaring by RIVERSPEY
Streaming / Download
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This is a new spring work presented by singer-songwriter RIVERSPEY! A refreshing and gorgeous spring song.
Artist Profile
Composer/designer. Solo artist. He started playing the piano and composing music at an early age, and at the same time he liked making things in general, such as illustration, drawing, and crafts. Around the time he entered junior high school, he started playing guitar under the influence of his father, and in high school he formed several bands. He plays guitar vocals, lead guitar and bass respectively, and starts playing drums. After that, he entered Tama Art University. While in class, he became interested in DTM and photography, and started music production and photo exhibitions. While creating background music for exhibition spaces, stages, and animated works, he performs in a band as a drummer and guitar vocalist, and begins to play original songs. After graduating, he joined a design office and is now independent. He is active extensively in both design and music. In addition to lyricizing, composing, and arranging all the songs, he plays the recorded instruments himself, and does the recording and mixing work alone. He also works on artwork for his works, and makes paper jacket CDs by hand. The publicity is mainly done by the cat fairy "Ike".