それは ちょっと昔のことだった
僕に意地悪をしたこと 喧嘩でもしてるかのように
言いたいことを紙に書き それを黙って置いてゆく
しかも 僕からの返事はガン無視
何が何だか解らない 嫌味な奴だった
誰かにした意地悪は やがて自分に還って来るんだよ
意地悪しないでよ そんな意地悪しないでよ
人を苦しめて何が楽しいの? 僕には全く解らない
意地悪しないでよ そんな意地悪しないでよ
こんな嫌な想いをさせないで 金輪際 僕に意地悪しないでよ
そして さらに以前のことだった
君の心の片鱗に 多分ないのは知ってるが
何故か 意地悪されたこと 僕は球技が下手すぎて
上手い奴から見下され 生きる価値すらないなんて
ある日 机に手向けられたイチリンザシ
大人になって解ったよ 練習しないから
運動音痴じゃないぜ それを誰かに教えて欲しかった
見てずに助けてよ みんな見てずに助けてよ
ずっと見ない振りして知らん顔 泣き叫んでも届かない
見てずに助けてよ ジッと見てずに助けてよ
誰も関わりたくはないことさ 最低限 僕が死ぬ前に助けてよ
何かが出来ない人は 別の何かが出来る人 Oh
馬鹿にする方が馬鹿なのさ この世の理解が足りないね
意地悪しないでよ そんな意地悪しないでよ
人を傷つけて何が楽しいの? 僕には全く解らない
意地悪しないでよ そんな意地悪しないでよ
こんな辛い想いをさせないで 金輪際 人に意地悪しないでよ
こんな辛い想いをさせないで 金輪際 人に意地悪しないでよ
- Lyricist
Hideyuki Ishiyama
- Composer
Hideyuki Ishiyama
- Producer
Hideyuki Ishiyama
- Recording Engineer
Hideyuki Ishiyama
- Mixing Engineer
Hideyuki Ishiyama
- Mastering Engineer
Hideyuki Ishiyama
- Graphic Design
Hideyuki Ishiyama
- Guitar
Hideyuki Ishiyama
- Bass Guitar
Hideyuki Ishiyama
- Keyboards
Hideyuki Ishiyama
- Vocals
Hideyuki Ishiyama
- Background Vocals
Hideyuki Ishiyama
- Songwriter
Hideyuki Ishiyama
Listen to Bud Vase by Hideyuki Ishiyama
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Bud Vase
Hideyuki Ishiyama
This song is a song that earnestly wishes for bullying to disappear from this world. I pray that the bullying in the world will end.
Artist Profile
Hideyuki Ishiyama
I started singing my own songs while commuting to school when I was in elementary school and started playing the guitar at the age of 14. He started composing and composing properly at the age of 15 and auditioned. But he was defeated. At the age of 20, he was in charge of guitar and vocals in band activities. Meanwhile, he continued to write original songs. After that, he went through many unemployment and job changes and spent his thirties and forties without a place to express music. But he wakes up at the age of 49. He started delivering music, but it didn't work because he wasn't known. After that, he uploaded his songs to YouTube one after another. After trial and error, he learned how to make arrangements on the internet. For three years, he hone his music production skills, including arranging, and streamed videos to raise his profile. He is once again completely challenging music distribution. He is aiming for further heights.
Hideyuki Ishiyamaの他のリリース