The Extractum of Lullaby Brothers Front Cover



Lullaby Brothers

僕のサブリナ 夢にまで見た

焦がれても憧れても 君には届かないようだ

ああ 中毒的な眩暈にも似た君の神話に赤みが差すと

それは不在の証明 そんな遠くへ行かないで


軽薄な詩を歌うのは 君がそばにいないから

僕の神様 夢に出てきた

脅しても見通しても 僕はもう驚かないよ~だ!

そう 捏造された哲学のような貴方の指は穢れ知らずで

ここは汚穢の集積 一瞥でさえ痛ましい

僕は神様 夢の中では

仏でも、キリストでも 僕には敵わないよ

僕とサブリナ 夢の中だけじゃ

焦がれても憧れても どこにも辿りつかないよ

  • Lyricist

    Guitar Lullaby

  • Composer

    Piano Lullaby

The Extractum of Lullaby Brothers Front Cover

Listen to Sabrina by Lullaby Brothers

Streaming / Download

  • 1


    Lullaby Brothers

  • ⚫︎


    Lullaby Brothers

  • 3

    An exotic waltz of originality and guilt - with long lashes and dark desires

    Lullaby Brothers

  • 4

    You, Me, and the Secret Garden

    Lullaby Brothers

  • 5

    Autumn Theme

    Lullaby Brothers

  • 6

    Hide and Seek Theme

    Lullaby Brothers

  • 7

    Rambling lullaby

    Lullaby Brothers

  • 8


    Lullaby Brothers

  • 9

    Rhetorical swing

    Lullaby Brothers

  • 10

    Straw hat

    Lullaby Brothers

  • 11

    School Road in the Rain

    Lullaby Brothers

  • 12

    Powdered snow

    Lullaby Brothers

  • 13

    Visions of the sunset

    Lullaby Brothers

  • 14

    Waiting in vain

    Lullaby Brothers

The best album of Lullaby Brothers, 'The Extractum of Lullaby Brothers,' is available in subscription format after 17 years. 'Bitter, but so what?'"

Artist Profile

  • Lullaby Brothers

    A duo comprising Piano Lullaby and Guitar Lullaby. The authenticity of their blood relationship is unconfirmed. They sing nostalgic, erotic, or nonsensical lyrics sneeringly, backed by piano and guitar. Musically, their style seems to be strongly influenced by jazz, but they are not particularly conscious of the genre.

    Artist page

