街灯が薄く照らす 歩道のかたわら
凛として佇む 古いけやきの木
足早に過ぎゆく 人々の声が
いつもより遠く 聞こえてしまうんです
誰にも言えない 本当の気持ちを
飲み込んだまま ひとり夜道を歩くたび
ふいに見る木の影が 伸びてゆくほど
自分自身の孤独も 長くなるようで
夜のけやきに そっと手をあててみたら
何も言わずに わたしを包んでくれる気がして
行き場のない涙も その根元でなら
静かに落としても 責められないような気がするんです
SNSの画面には 友達の笑顔が並んで
「どこかに置いて行かれた」ような 心が痛みます
自分の居場所を 確かめたくても
本当の姿を 見せるのが怖くて
街の灯りが 風と踊る深夜に
けやきの葉は わずかに揺れているだけ
季節が変わるたびに わたしも変われるなら
きっと こんなに苦しくはないはずなのに
夜のけやきの 静かなシルエットが
揺らぐ心を そっと支えてくれているみたいで
吐き出せない想いも 受けとめてくれそうな
優しさをまとった 影がそこに映るんです
もしも この先が暗闇ばかりでも
あなたがそこに 変わらずいてくれるなら
わたしは少しずつ 前に進めると思うんです
誰にも見えない夢を そっと重ねながら
夜のけやきよ わたしの願いを聞いてください
まだ上手に 大人になれなくても
見上げた空に 星が見えなくても
ここにいる意味を 探し続けていたいんです
あなたの足元で 小さな勇気を育てるから
どうか 変わらずにいてほしいんです
- Lyricist
Check No Apple Juice
- Composer
Check No Apple Juice
- Producer
Check No Apple Juice
- Vocals
Check No Apple Juice

Listen to Night Zelkova by Check No Apple Juice
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Night Zelkova
Check No Apple Juice
We are pleased to announce the release of a new song, 'Night Zelkova', which will be close to your heart like a single zelkova tree standing on a quiet night street corner.
The night when you compare yourself with the glorious figures of others on social networking sites and feel lonely, as if you have been 'left behind' somewhere. This song depicts the feeling of security that comes over you when you walk down the street at night with your true feelings that you can't tell anyone, and you suddenly see the zelkova trees on the street, which envelop you without words.
The song expresses a strong will to 'keep searching for the meaning of being here' while acknowledging one's immaturity and insecurity: 'even if I can't become an adult well yet' and 'even if I can't see the stars in the sky when I look up'.
The loneliness and lack of a place to belong that we feel in modern society, and the conflict of not having the courage to show our true selves - we hope that through the existence of the 'zelkova tree', which gently accepts these feelings, each listener will find something that will support their heart.
It is precisely because of its unchanging existence that we can gradually move forward. Please feel that quiet determination and hope.
Artist Profile
Check No Apple Juice
Chic Ringo no Juus is a singer-songwriter / unit with a unique world view. They capture the ordinary moments of daily life, expressing the view through a smartphone, the loneliness of the night, and the sweet-sourness of youth with delicate words and melodies. While their songs are pop, they also incorporate elements of electro and alternative music to create a multi-layered sound. With lyrics that resonate with the social networking age and melodies that are nostalgic yet new, they have captured the hearts of the digital generation by releasing songs mainly on TikTok and YouTube.
Check No Apple Juiceの他のリリース