I'm sitting with you in a place no one can find
Maybe it all nothing means
Get off my back
This sunset I just saw
Crabs returning in waves
I was going to tell you about it
遠く向こう 旅客機の点灯
触れたい でも知らないままがいいよ
I'm sitting with you in a place no one can find
Maybe it all nothing means
How do you like me
I think I made a mistake again
I don't mind if it stays like this
I'm sitting with you in a place no one can find
Maybe it all nothing means
How do you like me
I think I made a mistake again
I don't mind if it stays like this
- Lyricist
shimpai dance
- Composer
shimpai dance
Listen to Biotope by shimpai dance
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shimpai dance
lo-fi bedroom water bubble pop
Artist Profile
shimpai dance
DIY JPN 1995
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